
  • All humans are evil with sin only Jesus will be able to fix this world.

  • No... the Impeachment of Mayorkas will never work...  Impeachment, elections, expulsion, criminal indictments none of these things will work for various reasons summed up in one word CORRUPTION.  

    The Republicans understand this and use  Impeachment and threats of prosecution as Red Herrings... to divert attention away from their failure to do what can work... the constitutional process that can retourn our government to its founding principles..  They know our only hope for real reform is to mobilize the Red States to call an Article 5 Convention. 

    An Article 5 Convention can be used to hit the 'RESET BUTTON' on government... Pass and ratify A RECALL AND TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT in Convention. FIRE every member of the sitting government (elected and appointed) judges included, subject to new elections... Initiate an all-new season in government... a season with an all-new cast, writers, and directors... a production that answers to a new set of sponsors, and begin a new season of excellence in the American government.

    RECALL the entire sitting government (elected and appointed officials) subject to new elections and appointments...  Include a TERM MILITS AMENDMENT ONE TERM, 6iyrs with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointment every 2yrs, similar to the present way the US Senate is rotated every 2yrs.  Break the back of incumbency and special interests ... strip the political parties of their power to control who is elected to office and put America's government back into the hands of the People.

    • They have a Constitutional framework they could be using to end the corruption. I wonder why they won't use it? 


      Also see; online Library, for more information about the feasibility, safety, and necessity for why the American people need to direct their State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. The so called professional talking heads who attempt to terrorize the public into believing Article-V would open the main body of the Constitution for change and a Runaway Constitutional Convention ( like the one that was specifcally authorized to create the constitution ), are either absymally ignorant or are outright lying for political purposes IMHO.  Amendments are instructions on how the various articles of the Constitution are to be interpreted by Courts, Federal, State, and Local Governents, and the People themselves.

       Amendments are not permanent changes to the written Constitution. Amendments can be repealed like the 18th was. The procedures for a States petitioned for an Article-V  Amendment Proposal Convention ( because that is exactly what it is, 'proposals' until ratified ), and the same steps and protections used by Congress apply to the States. The only difference is; When the 34 State Petitioning Requirement is reached, Congress MUST call for a Convention then step back and refrain from making or editing any proposals for Amendments. There are also many States which have legislation on how they are to conduct the proposals, and control their deligates to the convention. Example:  Model "No runaway Article V Conventions act; 

      The Constitution avows the people themselves are the Supreme Soverign of the United States Government. Per the Xth Amendment Center; "While many Americans assume the federal government sits at the top of the power pyramid, it actually belongs on the bottom. Under the intended constitutional system, “we the people” hold the top position of authority, with the states under them and the federal government only supreme within the limited scope of the explicit powers delegate to it." So, the ultimate and final authority always remains in the people. That is the basis for Article-V of the Constitution, the one Article tnhat gives us dominion over all the established governmental bodies in the USA. Unfortunately, it's one we have never used but congress hase exclusively used it so far.

      Article V Project To Restore Liberty
      When you see the icon (left) - new posts have been added!
    • Well said and on point ... Congress doesn't want the States to call an Article V convention... especially, one that is looking to FIRE THE LOT of them... Of course, Congress will ignore any petition by the states... promoting all sorts of false premises for dismissing the State's petitions. 

      However, the Constitution is clear... there are no limits, formats, expiration dates, or restrictions on what amendments may be proposed in said convention... nor may Congress dictate how such petitions may be made or what subjects and conditions they must agree upon to be considered a viable petition. 

      The cries of foul by the administrative boogie man and fear-mongering of Congress should alert the people to the underlying reason Congress has illegally denied over 400 existing petitions... based on a host of bogus disclaimers and administrative formats not included or required by the Constitution.  Congress knows the states can strip them of their powers and leave them completely naked before the true sovereigns... the People. Congress fears an Article V Convention... and for good reason.

  • No... the Impeachment of Mayorkas will never work...  Impeachment, elections, expulsion, criminal indictments none of these things will work for various reasons summed up in one word CORRUPTION.  

    The Republicans understand this and use  Impeachment and threats of prosecution as Red Herrings... to divert attention away from their failure to do what can work... the constitutional process that can retourn our government to its founding principles..  They know our only hope for real reform is to mobilize the Red States to call an Article 5 Convention. 

    An Article 5 Convention can be used to hit the 'RESET BUTTON' on government... Pass and ratify A RECALL AND TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT in Convention. FIRE every member of the sitting government (elected and appointed) judges included, subject to new elections... Initiate an all-new season in government... a season with an all-new cast, writers, and directors... a production that answers to a new set of sponsors, and begin a new season of excellence in the American government.

    RECALL the entire sitting government (elected and appointed officials) subject to new elections and appointments...  Include a TERM MILITS AMENDMENT ONE TERM, 6iyrs with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointment every 2yrs, similar to the present way the US Senate is rotated every 2yrs.  Break the back of incumbency and special interests ... strip the political parties of their power to control who is elected to office and put America's government back into the hands of the People.

  • mayorkis, like all devildemocommiecrats, is a marxist/globalist/satanist hack who hates God, America, and any semblance of liberty for We the People!!!!!!!!!!

    • America's problems are greater than the sum of its parts... its corrupt officials.  it is structural.  Whenever elections, impeachment, expulsion, criminal prosecution, and corruption are working to keep the rightful sovereigns... the PEOPLE From governing... the process for correcting such structural failure requires monumental and radical change.

      An Article 5 Convention provides the venue and power needed to reform our structurally crippled government...  An Article 5 Convention puts the means of reform directly in the hands of the States and the PEOPLE... not the corrupt political class or their compromised political parties and the failed institutions of government...

      Our last and best hope for government reform rests in the State Capitols... and with the people's legislatures of the soverign states... let the States give notice to DC that their robbery and days of looting are over... get ready to dress in orange and to hang from the high places in our town squares. 

      Justice is coming and she is no longer blind!

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