Former FBI Deputy Director (and CNN contributor) Andrew McCabe has long said that he was willing to answer questions under oath about his controversial actions in the Russian investigation. He was scheduled to do so on Tuesday, but he now refused — citing the infection of three senators with Covid-19. However, McCabe also refuses to testify remotely as did both former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. He simply says that “fairness” dictates that he not testify at all. The basis for his refusal to appear remotely is utterly and almost comically absurd.
It is hard to see the letter as anything other than a mocking refusal not to go under oath. McCabe knows that the Democrats may retake the Senate and the White House. At that point, Democratic senators are expected to shutdown all continuing investigations related to McCabe and misconduct in the Russian investigation. The problem is that recent disclosures have magnified concerns of serious conduct in the Russian investigation and, in the last fews months, Comey, Yates, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said that they would not have signed off on the Page application if they knew then what they know today. Rosenstein called for further investigation into FBI misconduct, including matters that would relate to McCabe. Rosenstein expressly slammed McCabe in his testimony.
McCabe’s lawyer, Michael R. Bromwich McCabe is “willing, able, and eager to testify in person” about the FBI’s Russia investigation “when it is safe to do so.” However, his letter speaks more of evasion than eagerness. He insists that he is “not willing to put his family’s health at risk to do so.” He can of course do so with zero risk, as did his former bosses: remotely.
He recognizes the obvious logical disconnect and merely adds that for “reasons of fairness” McCabe would be unwilling to testify remotely. The Hill reported that Bromwich objected that “[a] fair and appropriate hearing of this kind — which is complex and contentious — simply cannot be conducted other than in person.”
That is facially ridiculous, of course. I have testified over 50 times in Congress over three decades. There is virtually no difference in the testimony because there is virtually no interaction between a witness and the members other than the questions once the hearing starts. Moreover, such interactions can still occur by text with counsel off screen who can pass notes to McCabe, just like a hearing. Indeed, remote hearings are better for witnesses because they can have an entire team giving you messages off-screen in a way that is not possible in a live hearing.
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He's guilty just like the rest of the idiots who wanted to take our president down so I said send them to jail
Not to jail, to the gallows for treason!!!!!
If he ever had any honor, he would clinticide himself.
Michael, he is afraid agreeing to testify will do just thaty. He knows his life wouldn't last long if he did.
There are two issues here...1) Refusal to appear upon subpoena... is criminal contempt of congress. 2) The issue of testifying under oath... He can take the 5th Amendment on every question if he likes... until he is given immunity... which then requires him to respond fully to the questions or be held in criminal contempt. The problem is the US Senate under McConnell is not willing to use Criminal Contempt to compel his appearance and testimony... There are obviously problems the Senate (McConnell) wants to be buried... or they would be pressing McCabe for his testimony.
mcconnell is part of the deep state cabal of traitors. He pays lip service in public but torpedos Trump behind the cscenes. Hang mcconnell too!!!!!
A real self serving coward, isn't he‼️
This goes to show how the deep state operates and also why they hate Trump, who is the most transparent person who has ever occupied the White House. They don't like transparency, the prefer obstruction of justice and hiding the truth. - McCabe should be charged immediately and sentenced to the maximum.
He fears losing his freedom, or his life. If he tells the truth, or hillary thinks he will, he will "commit suicide" before he gats a chance to testify against her treason. If he slides by the "suicide" threat he will go to prison for what he did!!!!!
Sounds like a case of CONTEMPT... and an order for his appearance or arrest should follow. However, the deep state has its agents in the US Senate and DOJ. If Sen.McConnell refuses to demand his appearance and will not follow up with a referral for criminal contempt and issue a warrant... we will all know the FIX is in and that the deep state expects the Donald to be out of power before he can take action to drain the swamp.
The Trump Administrations' failure to enforce our laws equitably and forthrightly among the agents of government is a MONUMENTAL FAILURE... one that may well end up sinking our ship of state and our Constitutional Government.
Prosecuting the criminals in government was probably the most IMPORTANT issue the President needed to address in his first term... he did not take that Bull by the Horns and we are likely to see a rigged election shepherded by both parties... as they know what is likely to happen to the swamp if Trump is returned to office