
  • Naturally, it would mean cooperation, it would mean taking responsibility for the country, it means caring about what happens to future generations. Biden doesn't give a damn about any of it!

  • Biden is incapable of negotiation for a whole number of reasons.  He's not permitted to exercise any deviation from his handlers and their teleprompter edicts.  Aside from that, the deranged senile congenital liar couldn't even find his own ass with a search warrant.  He's the perfect commiecrat candidate--he's on the same intellectual plane as the idiots who voted for him.

  • Simple solution, You have the majority in the HOUSE DONT PASS ANY BILL RAISING THE DEBT CEILING, Republicans need to grow a backbone and stand up for the American people instead of bowing to the DEMOCRATS.  As i recall the last time we the voters gave you both the House and Senate you did nothing, Republicans had better wake up and start standing up or you will never win another election, Words and promises come easy, ACTIONS REQUIRE  EFFORT. Try taking a stand you might be surprised how much support you get from the American people especially after seeing the disaster of the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION.. Stop with the talking points they sound good in front of the TV cameras but thus far thats all they have been.

  • Of course TRAITOR JOE doesn't want to negotiate.  He wants to blame the Republicans and use it as an election issue. 

  • I pray they hold the line on these evil demoncrats.

  • The imposter in the White House would not negotiate on the tax ceiling because he is a tax-and-spend liberal. He doesn't care about budget deficits or debt. In contrast, President Donald J. Trump was fiscally responsible who was on the verge of balancing the budget and paying down debt. He will definitely finish that job when he is back in the White House starting in January 2025.

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