
  • We need a full investigation on EVERONE in D.C. for the last 10 years! 

  • Stop wasting your time explaining the obvious... get on with using the limited powers you have to shut down BIden's Marxist Regime... You will never get the Democrats to comply with any code or laws that they deem obstructive to their goals...How many times must we hear the democrat leadership state their positions will prevail BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY?

    Any program or set of rules that limit the Democrat's conduct and their radical attack on our Constitution and heritage will be ignored by the Democrats and enforced to curb the GOP's ability to press their policies and ideology.

  • Waters, Bush, the Squad, Shifty Shift, all should be bodily thrown down the steps of the Capital, just before charging them with treason.

  • I remember when we had a Congress that had some class. These current ones do not even know what class is .

  • Why didn't you kick her off EVERYTHING??

    • Good question Cameron... One that deserves a detailed and cogent response.   McCarthy seems to think he can work with the Democrats... He will waste months of productive time attempting to deal with the LEFT... time we don't have and he knows it...

      The Democrats won't deal unless the DECK IS STACKED and they can deal from the bottom whenever needed.  Pass all the ethics codes you like ... but realize that the unethical have no ethics and are not likely to suddenly embrace them simply because they are codified.

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