
  • mcconnell is for mcconnell whatever lines his pockets he is in bed with.

  • we love president trump-mcconnell is very horrible man.  he gives the left whatever they want.


  • McConnell really needs to take a long walk off a short pier!!! He is so corrupt.

  • The RNC has been after me for money constantly. I write on their donation cards "I'm an Independant Conservative, not a Republican and the only way I'd consider a donation would be if the RNC gets rid of ALL of it's RINOs... maybe!" I'm tired of being taken for granted and lied to by Republican Party hack politicians! RINOs and Democrats are exactly the same thing!

    • Same here. I get maybe 60 requests a day for money from them from across the country from people I don't know via text, emails, and mail. I block those I can but they just change phone numbers or text numbers and continue. I registered as an independent conservative too but eh state changed my designation to Independent American.


  • The turtle and his Chi-comm wife,need to go 

  • Because McConnell was in on it that's why he is a piece of shit and should be charged for treason along with Obama Biden Pelosi and many more We must clean house people why would millions of people let a few hundred destroy their country To do nothing in the face of evil is evil itself

    • Yep.....all RINOs and Demonrats.


  • McConnell not in charge? If that was the case I'd be grinning like the Cheshire cat!

    • Some of us already are.....



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