McConnell Lays Out Trump Impeachment Trial Timeline

An Internet Meme Finally Makes Mitch McConnell a Star - The Atlantic

While the left is split between wanting to hammer the final nail in Trump's coffin (through the Senate impeachment trial) and tending to its aggressive agenda of new laws, spending, and government control, U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a statement today regarding his proposed timeline for the first phases of an impeachment trial of former president Trump.

“I have sent a proposed timeline for the first phases of the upcoming impeachment trial to Leader Schumer and look forward to continuing to discuss it with him.

“Senate Republicans are strongly united behind the principle that the institution of the Senate, the office of the presidency, and former President Trump himself all deserve a full and fair process that respects his rights and the serious factual, legal, and constitutional questions at stake. Given the unprecedented speed of the House’s process, our proposed timeline for the initial phases includes a modest and reasonable amount of additional time for both sides to assemble their arguments before the Senate would begin to hear them.

“At this time of strong political passions, Senate Republicans believe it is absolutely imperative that we do not allow a half-baked process to short-circuit the due process that former President Trump deserves or damage the Senate or the presidency.”


Specifically, Leader McConnell shared the following proposed pre-trial timeline with the Republican Conference today:

When the articles arrive, the House Managers would exhibit (read) the articles to the Senate, Senators would be sworn in the Members as the Court of Impeachment, and would issue a summons to former President Trump. While we do not know what day the Managers will choose, Leader McConnell has asked for this to occur on Thursday, January 28.

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  • I think the swampers are doing this because they know in truth Trump is really still our president.

    • Oleg, you are CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!

  • Trump's defense ought to be a law suit to dismiss the Impeachment as he has already left office...

    • Ronald: unfortunately impeachment has two parts ... see my comment above.

  • Since this is an unconstitutional move, why???  It isn't going anywhere - so why bother?  Is it another way to keep our eyes on this while they are destroying the US???

  • This whole impeachment sham is ment to insure President Trump can never run for political office again. mcconnel, walloing in self pity, is saying please wip me, I am sorry he was the President. pelosi, schume, mcconnel are all anti American freedoms, They all want to be the emperor of the world.

  • They think they are still "relevant " and keep trying to impress us with their "importance".

    Drain the swamp!  Each and every treasonous one of them.

  • he needs to be voted out with his witch pelosi and all the others tried and hung for TREASON !!!

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