0 ADMIN McConnell: 'Quit All the Handwringing'; Don't Act Like Legal Challenges Are 'Extraordinary' Posted by Admin Dee on November 11, 2020 at 8:01am You need to be a member of Command Center to add comments! Join Command Center Email me when people reply – Follow
Biden can't even complete a sentence without hesitating between words to think.
The one guy asking the questions looks like Dennis the Mennis father.
Trump wears solid titanium stones... Mcconnell, not so much...but when threatened, even 'turtles' can be aggressive!
No, he hasn't grown a spine, he is just doing his typical lip service to liberty while going behind the scene to help biden!!!!!
At least our President is making legal challenges and not bogus investigations based on lies.
We know that at the end of our legal actions Trump et al will accept the results with grace & magnanimity -- something total alien to the Libs.