Meals on Wheels for Senior Citizens needs to either stop what they are doing or find a better way of doing it.

According to them, it costs them $15.00 to produce a meal I can get at the supermarket for less than $4.00 apiece. If a client refuses to pay their price, they get removed from the client list. If I could afford to pay $15.00 for every meal I get from them, I could eat high on the hog at a local Mexican restaurant every day.

They are supposed to be a non-profit organization. Looks to me like somebody is cooking the books.


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  • My Mother, when I took care of her, began getting Meals on Wheels. I asked her what they gave her once in a while. She could never tell what it was. Meat? Chix? ?? Couldn't tell.

  • These things start out with good intentions.......then turn into disasters! 

    • These are government handouts that reward bad behavior just like social security entitlements do. Plain and simple. Remember this iconic statement by President Reagan? "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

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