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  • Jim Jordan and others in the House and Senate should approach the President... and ask him to announce a state of national emergency and to declare 'Martial Law' to establish civil order and to clean out the open insurrection within State and Federal Agencies. The President must use 'Martial Law'  to drain the swamp... The civil authorities have demonstrated their inability to address the problem of lawlessness in government.  In fact, the civil authority has become part of the problem.  There needs to be massive arrests and detention without bail... in GITMO... where those arrested can await trial at the government's behest.

    The President will need men like Rep. Jordan to stand with him as he addresses the Nation and declares 'martial law.'... He will need the GOP to make the charge against insurrection and sedition... to support his efforts to drain the swamp and too, remove the deep state.  The most effective way to excise the cancer in our government is to conduct one massive sweep of government... removing the members of the government who have openly engaged in insurrection and sedition... start with the DOJ, FBI, US Attorneys, and the judiciary.  America has a serious problem, requiring serious and DECISIVE ACTION... anything less will result in the MSM  and its agents moving to incite further riot and revolution. It will be necessary to restrict and censor the media under the Martial Law Order... until the government is able to stabilize and return control to the civil authorities.

    • I don't agree with your logic at all the president should declare Martial Law are you kidding me?

    • No, I am not kidding you... what do you think will happen if the Left wins in November... And what if they lose? Only a fool trusts in the historic failures of past elections to produce a path to government reform.  How many times must we be betrayed before we understand that good government is the product of a Godly and moral people... do we have such a society today?  Did our Nation suddenly appear the product of the ungodly... or did our forefathers forge it with the steal of their will and with the sword of God... His Word?

      Has the wilderness swallowed our children... is it necessary to take up the sword to remove the tares of the field from the wheat... will the tares go voluntarily and does God not demand that his people occupy the land ... driving out the wicked before them? Where are the righteous men of today to drive out the invasion of the wicked... to remove the tares of the field and secure liberty for our children?

    • Jeff, how else is Trump going to eliminate all opposition to him? Are you not sick of the deep state, the fake news, activist judges etc? Do you support the enemy within? 

    • Trump is the president he has authority to do what need to be done without Marial Law, martial law is a communist invention of the government that's mean if the United State forces Martial law that's mean this country is a socialist, and communist nation of which we are not to far from being a socialist and communist nation anyway. Government take over is a government of communism, and socialism. that's the way I see it I've been in a socialist Island which is Haiti you don't want that happen here in America.

    • Wrong again...

      Martial law in the United States refers to United States history where in a region, state, city or the United States as a whole were placed under the control of a military body. On a national level, both the President of the United States and the United States Congress have the power to impose martial law, since both can be in charge of the Militia.

      During the War of 1812US General Andrew Jackson imposed martial law in New OrleansLouisiana, before repulsing the British in the Battle of New Orleans. Martial law was also imposed in a four-mile radius around the vicinity. When word came of the end of the war, Jackson maintained martial law, contending that he had not gotten official word of the peace. A judge demanded habeas corpus for a man arrested for sedition. Rather than comply with the writ, Jackson had the judge arrested.

      In the Civil War Abraham Lincoln suspended the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus by executive action and declared martial law before receiving authorization by a statute enacted early in 1863. The entire period of the civil war held Martial Law over civil authority in the combat zones and wherever civil authority was unable to maintain order.  Lincoln used his executive authority to carve out provisions for his commanders to act under martial law.

      In several instances the president has intervened in states to execute federal laws despite the objections of the governor of the state. Thus, President Grover Cleveland sent troops to Illinois over the objection of Governor John Altgeld to keep the mails moving in the Pullman and railroad strike in 1895. In 1957 President Dwight D. Eisenhower, despite the protest of Governor Orval Faubus, sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce the order of a federal court that blacks be admitted to a high school formerly reserved for white students. Federal troops have been utilized to restore order in several instances when requested by a state, for example, in Colorado during the 1954 mine strikes.

      Other instances of the use of martial law include the eviction of the bonus army by martial law and force of arms in 1924 and the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791... there are other times including along our Southern Border when pursuing poncho via.  Get an education before you embarrass yourself... Martial Law has been used many times in the past and is permitted by the US Constitution.



      War of 1812 wikipedia - Bing
    • How do you know do much? 

    • Exactly, the wicked will not be moved thru persuasion and the hand of the weak...  God commanded Israel to drive out the wicked in the land and to occupy it... the land didn't simply yield itself to Israel's plow... it took the sword to establish their claim and God's promise. 

      So it is today... we must drive out the wicked with the sword of God leading the way.  However, that may be a difficult task for a people who have forgotten God's Word.

    • ....which brings us back to martial law. That's the only way Trump can do what needs to be done, i.e. assume total authority over the country to drive out the wicked. Martial law isn't a communist invention, it's a US constitutional legal means for the righteous to fix this great country. Trump is that man, he is righteous, generous, able, patriotic, straightforward, no nonsense, honest, fiscally responsible,.... 

  • Jim Jordon should get out of D/C because it is just going to make a old man out of him. He is a great  person and has done so much but he has no backing. The Dems are just no good. 

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