How about a staement. The border situation is a false claim of plausabile deniability for the fact thst it's REALLY a deliberate ATTACK FROM WITHIN on o ur country by an illegal Unconstitutional usurping bunch of TRAITORS per Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 U.S. Constitution. PERIOD. NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THAT TRUTH! Plain and simple. W ARE BEING OVERTHROWN BU TYRANTS!........I don't give a damn what any of them have to say about it. The Constitution is clear about it. To hell with their Orwellian Logic!.............It wil be the death of all things good!
That is why you can't ask any real questions. There is nothing about Biden that is positive. He is the most negative person that has ever been in the Oval Office, and that my friends is the biggest fu that has every occured in this country.
Think the media means their Chines overlords & owners won't let them ask China's puppet Biden any questions unless Biden gives them the questions to ask him & he reads the answers someone else wrote for him. Duh 🙄
One simple question they should ask him is "Do you really believe you receive all those votes or were you appointed as voters are saying
because they are Demon possessed people.
Now why would the Left Socialist Fake News journalist ask pertinent questions of the candidate they worked so hard to elect. They have no morals.
Teally I would have plenty of negative questions to ask Biden. Maybe tey are just too DUMB to think!
Soirry about the typo, that should be really
We just read through them here.(Most Regulars)
It's a pain to correct them after putting them up.
How about a staement. The border situation is a false claim of plausabile deniability for the fact thst it's REALLY a deliberate ATTACK FROM WITHIN on o ur country by an illegal Unconstitutional usurping bunch of TRAITORS per Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 U.S. Constitution. PERIOD. NO ARGUMENT AGAINST THAT TRUTH! Plain and simple. W ARE BEING OVERTHROWN BU TYRANTS!........I don't give a damn what any of them have to say about it. The Constitution is clear about it. To hell with their Orwellian Logic!.............It wil be the death of all things good!
That is why you can't ask any real questions. There is nothing about Biden that is positive. He is the most negative person that has ever been in the Oval Office, and that my friends is the biggest fu that has every occured in this country.
Think the media means their Chines overlords & owners won't let them ask China's puppet Biden any questions unless Biden gives them the questions to ask him & he reads the answers someone else wrote for him. Duh 🙄