
  • And THIS is why our young people are so confused. How can we expect them to be respectful, patriotic, productive adults when we allow people like this to indoctrinate them for 40 hours a week? If you love your kids and your country, HOME-SCHOOL ! If you are a working mom, find a good, Home Schooling POD so you can continue to work. The most important thing we can do as Americans and as parents, is get our kids OUT of Liberal Hands!

  • doesn't take a gift of prophecy to imagine rioting happening at this school and community

  • The School board should fire this man and bar him from teaching in their state... If that doesn't work a few of the more creative Dad's need to have a talk with this principal to convince him he needs to resign.

    • I agree with you

    • The creative dads need to have a discussion with this low life 

  • get ready people this is a just a snug shot of what to come in this nation and the world.

  • This psycho does not belong within five miles of young minds. The school board that fails to fire him should be voted out in the next election.

  • People like that indoctrinate our children. No wonder we need to lock forces, defend our way of life, and support Trump under all circumstance, because Trump is the only one standing between total communist takeover and our freedom and liberties.

  • Hope he gets fired!


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