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On Thursday evening, President Joe Biden unveiled two executive orders that could mandate vaccinations for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus for millions of working Americans in both the public and private spheres. But absent from these mandates are similar requirements for members of Congress, federal judges, or their staffers.

Biden’s executive orders would unilaterally require vaccination for federal employees, the military, and government contractors. The president also asked Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to require that firms with over 100 employees either mandate vaccination or weekly CCP virus tests. In total, these mandates could affect over 100 million American workers, making it one of the widest-reaching vaccine mandates in world history.

Biden wrote, “It is the policy of my Administration to halt the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, by relying on the best available data and science-based public health measures.”

The order continued, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the Department of Health and Human Services has determined that the best way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to prevent infection by the Delta variant or other variants is to be vaccinated.”

In the second section, Biden lays out this rigorous policy, requiring all executive agencies to “implement, to the extent consistent with applicable law, a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all of its Federal employees, with exceptions only as required by law.” Such exemptions are few and strictly defined.

The order would cover civilian employees of executive offices like the State Department and Department of Defense, and would also require all military personnel to receive the vaccine. In total, this no-excuses order would affect millions of civilian and non-civilian federal employees.

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  • Note:  Since when has the government ever provided the best way to do anything... especially when dealing with a national health crisis  The best science doesn't support using experimental gene therapy on millions of individuals.  There are alternative treatments and prophylactics available that are reported by credible scientific authority... but we would never know it if we relied solely on the MSM and Governmetn to inform us. 

    It appears that Big Pharma and other medical interests are making a lot of money off this misery... and there is evidence that they want it to continue indefinitely.... using it to line their filthy pockets and to control the masses while forcing them to accept their version of reality and science.

  • The new age aristocracy is at it again... Do as I say not as I do... The laws and medical mandates don't apply to them.  If only, these were laws, they would have been rejected or rationally compiled not the arbitrary mess we see as the response from team Biden.

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