Men Undergo Vasectomies to Oppose Overturning of Roe v Wade
Life News: Liberal men are getting vasectomies in record numbers to protest abortion bans across the country in the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Reports of increased numbers of vasectomies have been coming in over the last six months following the summer ruling from the Supreme Court. In fact reports began surfacing after Texas became the first state to successfully ban abortions in late 2021 (Life News). Yahoo: Vasectomies offer a form of permanent birth control for men, and roughly 500,000 are performed every year in the United States (Yahoo).

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     (There was a time in our country when having children was a sacred gift directly from God Almighty between a husband and a wife. Now, that same child has become an inconvenience to our sexual habits. We no longer follow our Creator and judgment is coming)!!

     Abortion is premeditated MURDER that needs to be a Federal Crime!
    To qualify as a legally sanctioned abortion:

       1. The purposed birth must prove to be a true life threatening risk to either the mother and/or the infant.   
       2. If there is a heart beat detected, the purposed abortion MUST be signed  off by two attending physicians, the mother (unless she’s s a minor) or mother’s parents, AND the FEDERAL court system.

     Pro-Life Versus Pro-Chose
        The Bible is very clear, you can’t be a follower of Jesus Christ and believe in abortion…period! Life begins with a single heart beat usually at 8-10 weeks, AT THAT POINT the child is alive and has a soul. AT THAT POINT an abortion is a sin against God and an abomination and should be treated as a premeditated murder. BTW, The life of a baby is far more important than the sexual habit’s of the mother! Anyway, Isn’t it pro-choice that always get people in trouble in the first place?

       *Note, A good alternative to abortion would be sterilization.  It’s a far better choice being it effects the mother without murdering an innocent child. In the future we will still have fewer stupid people on earth and they can breed anytime they want to. Aside from their going to hell, all in all, I think it’s a giant step forward for all involved.


    The Democrats in Washington are pro-choice, the Conservatives are pro-life!



  • Like my neighbor who did it to himself to combat the world population explosion, I like it! 

    • Sure, nothing better than the idiots making sure they will not reproduce!
      It's beautiful, it's self inflicted, there's no law demanding it....purely through their own will.

    • Only if there was such a solution for politicians to eliminate themselves!

  • This is as good as it more reproduction on the left!

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