
  • Garland is just another agent of satan that infests the government, a satanic cockroach on his way to an eternity in the Lake of Fire!!!!!!!!!!

  • Communist run the DOA along with Biden. Bye bye Biden. Women that want kill there baby in the womb still can. Just a man can't carry another soul another heart. They will have to answer for that. God made woman special.

  • Remember the Republicans voted for him as well as the demoncrats, after he refused to answer questions during his conformation hearing!!

  • Leftists are hateful people. They don't know what love is, they don't know Christian values.

  • Garland should be in jail

  • Garland is only a mid-level puppet under the control of the REAL government entitiy--the Bankers who OWN the U.S. government and ALL other governments.  They pull ALL the strings through the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and subgroups like the Trilateral Commission.  It's been in place since 1921. 

  • Arrest President Trump and expect a swift Uprising

    • They have forgotten ONE THING- They still Haven't Taken The Gun's- This is NOT A THREAT- JUST THE TRUTH-!!! As Nancy says, "WE NEED A STRONGER, HIGHER WALL"-!!! For myself I AM NOT ASHAMED LOVING THIS COUNTRY, But TRUELY DISLIKE THE POLITICIANS, Their GREED and Desires of POWER-!!! TODAY'S POLIYICIANS "DO NOT FEAR THE PEOPLE" and that is why our forefathers WROTE THE 2nd AMENDMENT-!!!

    • Agreed

    • Agreed

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