Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters arranged to have a forensic image before Dominion Voting Sytems came in to do the "Trusted Build" on the machines and another forensic image afterwards.  This demonstrated that the process deleted information that is legally required to be maintained and preserved.  It also showed that they added "dehardening" software, which makes the data less secure.  This was shown during the Cyber Symposium on August 11, 2021.  This included many computer experts with specialized knowledge and skills from around the country.  So anytime that Dominion comes to a county to add this "Trusted build", the same can be expected.  They concluded at the very least that every county across the nation should make a forensic image of the machines on a regular basis, to protect the data and to be aware of any deletion of data contrary to law.   For this and other reasons, it would be better and much safer to go back to using paper ballots that don't have the safety concerns of these machines.  We don't want our election stolen, and should take every step to ensure the security of elections.

Mesa County had several citizens give public comment at a recent meeting to discuss whether to extend the contract with Dominion, and the citizens overwhelming said "No!!!" to extending the contract. 

But they did anyway.  I hope the citizens will make a persistent and loud response to this lack of representative government.  This is likely to be repeated in every state of the country.  We must say "NO!!" to continuing to use voting machines that can and have been used to steal elections.  They are not trust-worthy!  We can and must find a different way to run and secure elections!9496052672?profile=RESIZE_710x

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