Believe All Women. Except Tara Reade - thefunnyconservative

A former Fox News associate producer and a show guest are suing the network over allegations of rape and sexual harassment.

Jennifer Eckhart, a former associate producer on Fox Business, and Cathy Areu, a network guest, filed a federal lawsuit accusing recently-fired news anchor Ed Henry of rape and Tucker Carlson, Howard Kurtz, and Sean Hannity of sexual harassment.
The lurid details aren’t important. What matters, as always, is credibility. And in the case of both these women, their credibility is suspect.

Does this sound like a rape victim to you?

Washington Examiner:

“I stand for all victims who have been mistreated, harassed, assaulted, and even worse, at the hands of those in power, and the institutions that continue to support them,” Eckhart said in a statement. “My decision to speak out was not an easy one, but I refuse to let fear of retaliation, victim shaming and further attacks intimidate me into remaining silent. I am hopeful that my decision to file this action will result in positive change for women at Fox, and for all victims in the workplace, and I am honored that other women have come forward since my decision to do so.”

Rape victims don’t generally stand atop the battlements waving the bloody shirt. She seems very proud of herself for standing up for “all victims.” And how courageous she is to refuse “to let fear of retaliation, victim shaming and further attacks intimidate me into remaining silent.” Eckart knows that what little opposition she’s going to experience will be drowned out in a tidal wave of support from the left. Her moribund career just got a new lease on life and Areu will once again be in demand as a guest.


We await word on the value of the book deals.

Is it possible that Ed Henry is a violent rapist? The guy always did appear to be a little sketchy. But we’ll never get at the truth listening to Eckart’s partisan proclamations of solidarity with #MeToo.

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  • Can't believe most of these reports.  Sexual harrassment can be almost anything. Rape is different and there should be some evidence of such an act.  You'll NEVER convince me that Tucker Carlson  or Hannity has ever raped anyone. And as far as Ereu is concerned, I think she's a nut case. 

  • Time to attack the liberal media and their message 

  • Oh......all these men were just swept up in sexual rapture by this godess.  I've never known one woman to have such an effect on so many men!  Or maybe this woman looks at life through a sex lense.  So tell me, who has the problem here?

  • I bet they were rejected. No fury like a woman scorned.

  • Some more poor me. So tiring.

    • Imagine how the media would be all over Trump if he complained about the unfairness he faces all the time! 

  • Biden is a despicable pig. He has no respect for women. Trump is the total contrast to that, which is yet another reason why Trump will win with a landslide in November. 

  • I do not believe all women about anything, not even this.  Women can be just as dishonest and coniving as men and sometimes more so.  And, fo the record, I am a women who bought into to all the hoopla about my gender. I think they may have shot themselves in the foot in some cases. 

    • And we have plenty of examples to refer to.

  • Wait, didn't that leftist idiot azzclown atty Gen of Minnesota say that rape was no longer a crime and quit calling 911 if some naked loser is standing over you in your bedroom? Has anyone else noticed how the leftist commies are dismantling the Rule of Law in the United States? That george soros is flooding the campaign coffers of those that hate the rule of law and want to circumvent the U.S. Constitution until they are in power to send it through hillary's 21st century shredder?

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