Judge in #Michigan, on request from state officials, blocks release of results of forensic audit on #DominionCheatingSystems. Even with 20 states suing them, they're still covering up election cheating in favor of Biden. https://t.co/SMGyy6ehJ3
— ❌Erin MacAdams❌ (@ErinMacAdams) December 11, 2020
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Impeach the judge, enough is enough.
Would be interesting to see how many ofthese Judges are being payed off or threatened. I want to know if this same garbage is going to happen in the Georgia run off. Are those same machines going to be used. The Georgia Republicans had better make sure a Rep poll watcher is sitting next to every Dem. Do not let anyone throw you out of there or immediatly call a lawyer if they try or the police.
OK Now, we the people need to know which justices extended the FU finger to the citizens of this nation. we need this info for when we get around to shooting and or hanging the traitors. Now if the justices were threatened we need to know who imparted those threats.
By the way, many refer to the USSC as the highest court in the nation, it is not! WE THE PEOPLE are the highest court and we are ready to administer justice to every damned domestic enemy in the land. CAPICHE!
So,the election was stolen then.
It seems to me that only an armed conflict will resolve this mess. I love Trump and will fight for him until the end!
Do not expect any court in the battleground states to rule in favor of Pres. Trump... don't expect any law enforcement agency to find evidence of fraud or election tampering, don't expect any State Legislature to decertify the election results... we have lost our government to a Marxist criminal cabal... short of civil war or martial law, we will not prevail in this fight.
Even if Pres. Trump manages to hang on... the Marxist Democrat Party is building a parallel government and will operate as the official government until they can evict Pree. Trump from the Oval Office by any means necessary. This is what happens in Banana REpublics... it is textbook Marxist insurgency doctrine.... rig the election and if you somehow lose, deny the official results and operate a parallel government until one can eliminate the legal government. Now you know why Sen. Schumer wants to hold confirmation hearings on Biden's cabinet choice even before he is sworn in as President... they want an in-place cabinet too support their claim as the legitimate government before the world's sovereigns.
You have such a clear understanding of the issues. Would you consider being the head of the organization?
Thanks for the vote of confidence however I am a little long in the tooth and short on stamina to lead such an important undertaking...
He's obviously just another destructive demoncrat.