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  • Oh Yeah, it's all about a freebie handout!!  Something for nothing!!! It's a Addiction just like cocaine. LBJ WAS 100% CORRECT!!

  • One of the idiots who wants a black woman in the WH more than she wants her freedom. Blacks particularly should be sensitive to would think, but some of them, most of them, can't stop hating the whites, and their deep desire for handouts is insatiable! 

    • Ilona, I agree with you. Most of them are a real problem for this country. 

  • Wake up idiot. Look at the mess this Country is in. Have you been shopping lately, gotten gas lately, notice what is happening as crime escalates along with murders of parents children. Just get out of AMERICA and go where these illegals came from.

  • Once again we get proof that President Trump is heading for a landslide victory.

  • Poor baby. Can't think or form reasonable conclusions.

  • She does NOT realize her support for the "FORMER FREEBEE HUSTLERS" Now Possibly just includes a "Free" trip to the GULAG.  These are NOT  THE DEMOCRATS OF HER DADDY.

  • Tell her to wake up and smell the coffee! Do the research!!!

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