Michael Steele on the Republican Party Blank Template - Imgflip

How total is Michael Steele's transformation from RNC chairman to Democrat sycophant? On today's Morning Joe, Steele, an MSNBC analyst and member of the disgraced Lincoln Project, slurred Republican judicial appointees while expressing his preference for Democrat nominees.

Steele was commenting on Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana telling Biden judicial nominee Dale Ho that he found him, based on his social media attacks on Republicans and conservatives, to be an "angry" man.

Said Steele:

"Did Senator Kennedy take a look at some of the nominations that Donald Trump put before? There were people he voted for who never appeared in a courtroom. I will take a little anger over stupid any day."



As Steele should know, the fact that a nominee doesn't have courtroom experience in no way renders that person "stupid" or unfit for the bench. People can be highly intelligent, with important legal and/or academic experience, without previously having been trial lawyers or judges. Many Justices have had no prior judicial experience, including many a liberal like Steele would like, including Earl Warren, Arthur Goldberg, and William Brandeis.

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