Michelle Malkin: The GOP Is Like Charlie Brown

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  • as a former gop precinct chairperson, i learned this long ago when they wouldn't let me submit resolutions but wanted me to pay dues. parties should be banned. 

  • Maybe too many of the GOP have ties with China! Something is very wrong here.

  • I don't know if Barr has been comprimized of he was deep state with CFR ties to begin with. There's likely thousands of those like them already in our government and cleaning them out will be a monumental task. But, it has to be done.

    • Barr made my Schiff list when he said Ebstein wasn't murdered. Bul shit he wasn't!...........Just like they didn't STEAL the election from OUR President. I am so fed up with these ASS HOLES screwing the country over like they do.


  • Well, they must have some good dirt on A.G. Barr. Maybe his family has been threatened. One thing for sure that is plain as day, Biden cheated and Hunter is a Chinese agent. Sadly, no one will be coming to our aid. It's up to us, the citizens of this country to stand up against the incoming wave of socialism. 

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    • Only if we allow it. Trump will always be our leader regardless if he is Pres. or not. Doubt he will sit by and allow them to destroy us.

    • I've been waiting for 50 years.  Still see very few that care about us.  

      I will say that the only ones in office that care about the CITIZENS are republicans, but there are damn few of them.

  • Time to start a political party that agrees with We the People and President Lincoln that government is by the people.

  • They are ALL SNAKES.

  • Neither "party" is a friend of We The People. They are "friends" with themselves and who ever is paying them. 
    clean house!

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