
    • Andrew, he is a bell, as dingy as they come!!!!!

    • YES, YES, YES!

  • Only the indoctrinated could ever believe anything that Mrs. Obama spews.

  • the male moron posing as a woman opens its yap again to spout treason!!!!!

  • Trump accomplished more in his first term than any other president in the history of the United Sates, and yes, he also exposed obummer's criminality. All Americans can see how great Trump has made America already, and no one wants to go back to the commie years under obummer when chaos, riots, and budget deficits rules the day. Trump will win with another huge landslide in November, which will have Michael obummer really bummed out.

    • Paul,  I totally agree.  I am curious what moslems are going to do when they find out that michele,"micharl" is really a man and that he and bathhouse barry will ruin their lie of a "legacy".  While we "violent and hateful" Christians call for homosexuals to repent "offended" moslems in the "religion of peace" routinely kill homosexuals but I am the "violent", "hateful" bigot?

  • Build the wall; no $ or help of any kind or health care for illegal persons; english language only; teach US history and Constitution in schools; audit the Fed Reserve; no visas of any kind except merit visas, revert to back our $ with gold, cancel the security clearances for all Obama hold overs & get rid of them; voting with photo ID only, NO MAIL-IN voting, NO SAME DAY VOTING REGISTRATION AND VOTING; no doing any business with China

  • She has her jocky strap to tite. Note the manly shoulders.

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