Superstar witness from Michigan hearing. Fight like Rocky. I sign a paper ,If im wrong im going to prison . Did you!
— Capitaine Cosmos (@CosmosCapitaine) December 3, 2020
Fight scene remix #StopTheSteel2020 #Michigan #Hearings #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica @RealJamesWoods @kayleighmcenany @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
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They stole it. PERIOD. If these ass holes don't like how she just dissed them..........................Just wait.
Marial Law by Trump is our only way to stop this election fraud and steal it from the American it will take cajones to do this but Trump has them and the Demorats KNOW it....that's why Biden and his minions are fighting this transperrantcy so hard....they rigged it and they know it....hundreds of witnesses and can run but you can not hide!!!
All of these criminals involved in this crime against America must be charged with high treason. They all must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As for that slimy, lying, perverted, accused rapist Joe Biden, he should get the death penalty. The firing squad would be perfect for him. A punishment befitting a criminal like him.
Good job!
She is also kinda cute. Definitely do not cross her! I can tell she would share.
LOL! I could have passed on the incidental music,
It is time for the President to shut down Biden... too, have him arrested or to deny him and all of his supposed agents access to any government funds or offices and briefings... no input or transition as he is in fact a criminal, not the President-Elect.
One doesn't claim the election was a fraud and then reward the CHIEF FRAUDSTER access and transition rights... he is to be arrested. ONE CAN NOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS either the election was a fraud... a CRIME or it was not. If a crime arrests the criminals... Mr. President, which is it?
This courageous woman deserves all our thanks and respect... the members on the panel questioning her are shills and coconspirators in the fraud... they can't be that dumb.. that makes them complicit. The President will need to invoke Martial law ... locate, detain and indict all of the criminals behind this fraudulent election. using the Emergency Powers Act and the Patriot Act to suspend habeas corpus.. for sedition and or treason and a host of election and statutory crimes
These phony government officials are being shut down ... by faithful witnesses to the crimes and even after being publically shamed they still insist no fraud occurred... in the face of massive over-votes, mystery ballots by the hundreds of thousands, and the dead voting by the busloads they continue to lie and to hold the public in contempt. We need these individuals ... every one of them to be stripped of their public offices and sent to prison or hung. We must make examples out of them or we will NEVER have fair and open elections in America again.
Nice! Thank you for posting this! God Bless America!