Migrant Caravan, You Played Yourself (2018)

Hundreds of U.S.-bound Honduran migrants who had entered Guatemala this week without registering were being bused back to their country's border Saturday by authorities who met them with a large roadblock.

By 5 a.m. Saturday, none of 1,000 or so migrants who had been stalled by police and soldiers remained along a stretch of rural highway remained. Police said that hours earlier, migrants had boarded buses and army trucks to be taken back to the border.

Small groups of fewer than 10 migrants each could still be found walking along the highway before the roadblock Saturday morning.

Olvin Suazo, 21, was walking with three friends, all from Santa Barbara, Honduras.

“We're going to continue,” he said. “We were resting and the bigger group continued. We didn't know what happened to them.”

The four, all in their early 20s, are farmworkers. They heard about the caravan that formed earlier this week in San Pedro Sula via WhatsApp and Facebook.

Late Friday, hundreds of migrants headed for the United States had become increasingly desperate after running into the roadblock.

Seldom since 2018 had the prospects for a migrant caravan been so discouraging. Guatemala’s president saw them as a contagion risk amid the coronavirus pandemic and vowed to deport them. Mexico’s president speculated that the caravan was a plot to influence the U.S. elections. And newly formed Tropical Storm Gamma threatened to dump torrential rain on their planned route through southern Mexico.

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