
  • Throwing money away?  Whose money do you think these politicians are throwing away... their own, or the US Treasuries dollars?  Do you really believe trillions were spent on COVID and related health care... or that Billions more are being shipped off to Ukraine without a cut going to other less noble frauds?

  • I read an interesting report the other day... The Bureau of Labor Statistics "BLS" released numbers which show slightly over 1/3 of able Americans work now! We are at that point where the famous quote by Margaret Thatcher applies: "Socialism is great... Until you run out of other people's money." History has shown time and time again when they run out of other people's money, they turn to brutal Totalitarian Fascism to quell the undesirable masses, remember that famous German Guy in the late 1930's to mid 40's, he called for the same actions against the people. He even established teams who disarmed the masses, they had a phrase: "Fur Ihre Sicherheit" translation: "It's For Your Safety" and we all know how that turned out for 6 million Jews and 9 million Polish people! History is being repeated... Wake up World!

  • Not all information is equal... Marxists have an affinity for the irrational and supercalifragilistic expialidocious, especially when tabulating and reporting election results.

  • Get used to it.... we live in a Marxist State. our Constitution and Republican form of government no longer apply to the business of government.  Marxist States rely on propaganda to persuade the gullible and ignorant that their programs are working.  propaganda is the sole element in their government that appears to have merit... a system that works.  however, like all propaganda eventually, it runs out of words and workable narratives... exposing the failure of government to even the most stupified in the public.

    When the propaganda stops working... look out... force of arms becomes the anvil of compliance in a Marxist state... Gulags become the home for dissidents and an awakened public.

    • A modern day example... 11-28-2020: Shanghai which once was the World most populus city... Now the Worlds largest Gulag! 

  • Why silence the intelligent...the Dem's have no choice... Because, everyone knows "You Can't Fix Stupid." 

  • If you don't agree with everything the left says it is considered disinformation

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