
  • "BTW – the 911 terrorist also snuck across the US border to get into America."

    The above statement is factually inaccurate, which creates doubt about the factual basis for the remainder of the article.

    Sources on both sides of the 9/11 debate have incorrectly claimed that “some” or “all” of the 9/11 hijackers were in the U.S. on student visas. One of the 19 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa. The others entered the USA using tourist or business visas.  There are some questions about their possible overstays on their initial visas... 

  • Yes... Vacate the Chair as it is certainly not our Chair.  Let the House install Pres. Trump as Speaker... and do it so fast that the liberals are left wondering what just happened.

    Let Pres. Trump negotiated a new appropriations bill that cuts every leftist program... from any place in our government.  Keep the NON-ESSENTIAL Government... on leave without pay. Do not pay them...  Civilians who are laid off are not paid... they draw unemployment.

  • The position of Speaker of the House in our government has the power to create serious obstacles to the democrat’s agenda. Whoever the Republicans elect to that position will be attacked in every way conceivable. Bribery, intimidation, and threats of every kind imaginable are standard operating procedure for these evil bastards. To blame every Republican for submitting to threats on his life or the welfare of his children is not getting to the root cause of the problem.

    The sooner the public realizes there is nothing the democrats won’t do to hold onto power, the sooner we can begin to fight back. This enemy to America is not like anything we have ever seen before. They are ruthless beyond description and they are solidly embedded in what used to be Our Government. Anyone on this or any other website that believes that we can restore America to the people through the electoral process is delusional. Democrats have stolen the election process. They control law enforcement, they control the justice system, they control the military, and they control homeland security. Like it or not, free and fair elections are gone until this unlawful theft has been eliminated.

    • Amen... Thomas

      "Democrats have stolen the election process. They control law enforcement, they control the justice system, they control the military, and they control homeland security. Like it or not, free and fair elections are gone until this unlawful theft has been eliminated."

      I fear that our leaders know -that the electoral process has been stolen and they are simply buying time to complete the destruction of any resistance that could be organized until it is way too late.

  • It appears, much to my dashed hopes of a true conservative, that johnson is just another "nevill chamberlain" in the mold of boehner, ryan, and mccarthy, all more interested in appeasing tyrannical dictators than serving the Constitution and  We the People!!!!!!!!!!

    • I knew from the first day he was named the new speaker... we were in serious trouble.  Johnson simply doesn't have the moral COURAGE to do what is necessary... He will do nothing to deal with the fraudulent electoral process... not even to simply mention it.

    • Sadly I think you are correct

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