
  • I will support him with the same enthusiasm as I did this time. He is as delusional as Biden!


  • Why did he run in the first place... EGO... and a complete misreading of the GOP Base.   The man is a... dyed in the wool Globalist and should never be trusted with the reigns of government.  His record as a governor is as much the result of GOP leadership in the state legislature... as his personal efforts.  Pence is an opportunist and a pragmmatist on many issues.

    Pence "inherited a $2 billion budget reserve from his predecessor, Mitch Daniels, and the state ... His administration added to that reserve under his watch. However, Indiana's economy was among the slowest-growing in the United States, with 0.4 percent GDP growth, compared to the national average of 2.2 percent; this was attributed in part to a sluggish manufacturing sector.   The Indiana Economic Development Corporation led by Pence had approved $24 million in incentives to ten companies that sent jobs abroad.  Moving large numbers of manufacturing jobs overseas has that effect... unemployed workers add to a sluggish economy.

    Not all things GOP are conservative... shipping jobs overseas is not an America first priority.

    Indiana Economic Development Corporation
    The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) was founded in 2005 and is charged with growing the state economy, driving economic development,…
    • The good news is that President Trump stepped in during the 2016 campaign. He delivered on his promise to keep and also to grow manufacturing jobs in the US. He started with saving 1400 jobs at Carrier in Indiana. Another promise made, another promise kept.

      Alas, biden becomes the imposter in the White House and he turned the fortune of manufacturing jobs around as soon as he was elected, not even sworn in. US manufacturing companies knew right away that old biden won't be as tough with the economy and American jobs as President Trump was.

    • The lovers of money have shouted across the planet to international merchants and manufacturers that their international line must be towed.

      Why else did they undertake the corporate training camp called the World Economy, and surreptitiouslly curtail it, Humanities benefit primarily?

      So when Chinas puppet was installed by contrivance, all players knew by sight that the fix was in.

    • Paul, with all due respect, I think you are dreaming if you think we will even have a 2024 election!

    • Please describe the resultant level of violence for a breached Constitutional mandate, Michael Duncan. I am fascinated.

    • "Unemployed workers add to a sluggish economy" - -and worse, it destroys towns and entire cities.  I witnessed the "death" of the small New England town I grew up in.  After the shoe shops and woolen mills closed and their entire production was shipped off-shore, that lovely little town just withered away; that was back in the 50s.  A lot of determined people have worked hard to revive it and bring it back and have done an amazing job of diversifying and creating new ways and means for this town to thrive again. There has been o lot of success from their endeavors, but my hometown will never be the same.

    • June.... your hometown's story has been repeated thousands of times across America... leaving, a hollowed-out US economy, creating thousands of ghost towns out of America's once lovely towns and villages.  Millions of jobs and their critical economic infrastructure were destroyed... by narrowly focused investments by for-profit institutions of greed.

      America's heavy investment in the economies of foreign nations... leveraging third-world market disparities, for a quick buck destroyed America; 's Industrial base and the middle class.  Such greed is now bankrupting the Nation. The Nation's middle class and economic principles that gave us the world's greatest economy have fallen victim to the perfect economic storm... killing the goose that laid the golden egg... consumers with disposable income. 

      Under Pres. Trump, long-dead villages, and the nation's centers of structural unemployment were awakening to a new industrial revolution. America was confident about the future.  Let us hope the Democrat Base understands this and votes for Pres. Trump and MAGA GOP Down Ticket political candidates, all across America.

      Under the Trump administration, a re-emergence of American excellence was just beginning, the embers of our nation's industrious working class were aglow in the furnaces of revival... let, the flames of the MAGA Movement catch a blaze under a second term for Pres. Trump, guaranteeing a new era of security and prosperity for our children and their children.

    • "Let the flames of the MAGA Movement catch ablaze" - - is a prayer I find myself repeating on daily basis.

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