HAPPENING NOW: Military Authorized To Use LETHAL FORCE To ASSIST Civilian Police In Civil Unrest... Articles for Reference: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-1... https://dodsioo.defense.gov/Portals/4... https://dodsioo.defense.gov/Portals/4... Fair Use Declaration: The clips used in the creation of this complete and unique product are used under the fair use doctrine. Time for all of us to call our Senators and Representatives and demand answers!

See Video https://www.youtube

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  • No surprise here... that's what Marxists do when they fear losing power...

  • They are prepairing for the riots that will ensue after the Democrat Party OPENLY and BOLDLY Steals the coming Presidential Election or loses it... Either the leftist or extreme right-wing patriots will be so enraged that riots are likely.  Marxists don't give up power easily.  History warns of what may occur should they lose or win... there is also the chance the election will never be permitted to provide a certifiable winner... leading to chaos and riots.

    I blame both parties for the circumstances... the GOP for failing to deal with election SECURITY and the known issues of fraud used in previous elections... LONG BEFORE the actual election cycle was underway.  However, we now discover that hundreds of lawsuits have been recently filed alleging election fraud or irregularities in the election process ... with little to NO TIME REMAINING TO CORRECT THE FRAUD OR IRREGULARITIES THROUGH THE COURTS... It appears DELIBERATE malfeasance is at work in the GOP, once more...  The never-Trump wing of the GOP is busily sabotaging the election of Pres. Trump. 

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