
  • The entire world is a POWDER KEG AT PRESENT, and the lack of leadership from the UNITED STATES is obvious, The war in UKRAINE continues while no one is even  suggesting that a peaceful solution may be possible, While America  continues to pour Billions of dollars and tons of military supplies into the conflict at the expense of the American people at the same time EUROPE is doing very little, This war is in their backyard but as usual the UNITED STATES  is expected to take the lead as always, At some point our political leaders and Military  leaders are going to have to understand that WE ARE NOT THE POLICE FORCE FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD. While its true the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION MAY BE the most incompeten and irresponsible administration our nation has seen, All thats happening at present can not be blammed on them although their lack of understandING and leadership skills are evident, What is happening  around the  wlorld today has been brewing for a very long time through many administrations from both political parties. America has lost credibility and respect around the world and most of that  is a direct result of lack of leadership and understanding of the  BIDEN ADMINISTRATION, Going forward we must elect and support candidates  that understand the world has changed and they must have the leadership skills needed. America can regain its respect and credibility around the world but its going to require competent and responsible capable informed leadership.There IS NO MAGIC WAND THATS GOING TO SOLVE THE WLORLDS ISSUES, ITS GOING TO TAKE WISDOM,COURAGE,DIPLOMATIC SKILLS AND UNDERSTANDING, SOMETHING WE DONT PRESENTLY HAVE,THAT MUST CHANGE.

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