BALLOT HARVESTING: Ilhan Omar's Massive 'VOTER FRAUD' Ballot Harvesting  Exposed In An Undercover Video – The Political War Room

A few thousand votes in swing-state Minnesota may decide November's presidential election.

In recent years, multiple Somali-Americans living in Minneapolis-St. Paul have come forward to describe vote-buying, ballot-harvesting, and intimidation operations of historic scope in the Democratic Party-controlled area. Some have brought evidence to state and federal law enforcement, though little action has been taken. These whistleblowers explicitly name Rep. Ilhan Omar, her campaign director Ali Isse, and other Democratic Party members as being involved.

This year, local political activist and Democratic Party member Saciido Shaie ran for the Minneapolis City Council seat in Ward 6. She has a long political resume. Shaie has been appointed to several state boards by Minnesota's governor and has also served as the Minneapolis DFL (Democratic Party) fundraising director.

On July 6, Saciido Shaie released a 15-minute video of herself speaking in Somali. She announced that she was not suspending her campaign — but she would no longer be campaigning door-to-door.

She spoke about how upset she was by how many voters she encountered who expected her to pay $200 for a vote.

She was angry that local Democrats had taken advantage of so many elderly Somali-American refugees, who, she said, sincerely do not know that vote-buying is a serious federal crime in the United States.

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