Connected to SBF, The Clintons, Warren Buffet, Michael Lewis and even Elon...

$300million from Alameda


Surprisingly can't find anyone mentioning him on CT, so let's unravel Kives' backgroundImage
First thing you'll notice about this guy is his OBSCURE digital footprint.

Works with the most important celebrities, investors and companies in the world, and the most prominent thing you'll find of him online is... a Vouge article about his wedding?
Kives' beginnings seem to start with the Clintons as a spokesperson.

Then to CAA (Largest Holywood Talent Agency) managing extremely popular stars. Katy Perry to Warren fucking Buffet.

Then... to early stage technology investing?

Talented? Maybe
Nepotism? Unfortunately...Image
Needless to say, Kives is more connected than any normal citizen could conceive
Even top-their celebrities don't get this connected.

Don't just believe me either, believe his old boss and CAA President.ImageImage
And what amazes me most is the illusiveness of Kives.

I mean you build a career, reputation and a book full of quotes about you from the biggest names in the world and don't have ONE picture with ONE of them???

Guess we know what the 45 Vogue photos were for...Image
Now, Kives leads his K5 private equity firm while simultaneously serving as a director for Yahoo and Shutterfly...?

Bro is really leading the charge on multiple Work from home jobs I guess, gotta respect it.Image
But K5 is where things get interesting and tied back to our old friend SBF...

Somehow $300 million (of customer funds) managed to make it's way to Kives' firm.

This # may seem less-significant after this week but it would be in the top 25% of FTX illiquid assets. Why so much?Image
Good thing FTX & SBF NEVER relied on public perception via celebrity status.

Or ANYONE who Kives has or is involved with... Never!

don't you just FEEL like the product looking at this pic?Image
The connections don't just touch political or perception goals, they seamlessly extend to the financial goals SBF obviously couldn't keep up with

Kives used his private equity firm to wedge into SpaceX and Boring Company investments reportedly tried the same with Twitter & SBF.Image
Adding to this trail
News that "Big Short" author Michael Lewis was writing a book about Sam.
How'd this get surfaced?
Email from none other than... CAA Agent.
And if you need more evidence of Kives' DEEP political connections take a look at this Guardian article bragging about the millions unreported donation "bundling" he's managed to get the Clintons.

Do I even need to mention SBF's donations?

GET IT YET??ImageImage
So with massive influence and endorsement from the most important individuals in Celebrity Talent, Politics and Finance, no mental gymnastics are required to see how Michael Kives fits perfectly in the FTX/SBF sagaImage
SBF buys A THIRD of Kives' firm, who's coincidentally linked to the most powerful people in the world (that he also can't raise a dollar from?) Then FTX goes on to eviscerate $10 billion in customer funds off of leveraging their celebrity and political connections for $...Image
And You?

You hold the bag.

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