The President of the Maryland Young Democrats, Joseph Kitchen was found dead in his apartment despite last being seen at the beach. His last posts were threats to expose the Young Dems of America 😳
— JaVonni Brustow (@JaVonniBrustow) August 16, 2020
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Welcome to the leftists' utopia! Did you really think there was some kind of disneyworld utopia waiting for you? The left will use you until you are used up, then they dispose of you. Black, brown, red, yellow, they give you an obama phoae to keep your attention away from the vile, evil, perverted, sick things they are doing.
Respect is given... always until it is lost. What should we expect from a young Democrat of Color? He expects respect to be given to him without earning it... but refuses to give others any respect at all... yeap... future Democrat Presidential material for sure. Add to that his bi-lingual assets... Ebonics and English and viola a shoo-in for the Democrat Party Presidential Ticket. However, he is going to need a few visible tattoos and a wardrobe change... one that displays his best assssets prominently... by lowering his belt line to just above his knees. Besides, he knows how to put a Cap in yo-ass if you give him a problem.
Remember Seth Rich he was going to tell all but in the dead of night he was murdered. Democrats will make sure you don't reveal what you know.
Yes, Seth Rich! 27 years old, somehow committed suicide with a shot in the back.
people who have no God have no conscience!
Our Christian people turned their backs on God years ago when they didn't fight Madelyn Murray O'Hare and others like her. They turned from God by not stopping Planned Parenthood. They turn from God when they accepted someone on the Supreme Court that would side in favor of abortion, Roe v. Wade, even the woman who caused that case denounced it later when she so regretted being the cause of millions and millions of aborted babies. When we turned our backs on God he begin to pull away from us and to pull away from our nation and stop blessing us. How much we need to get back to God!
I pray that God will begin to speak to these people who have a broken conscience, a broken spirit, A broken mind. And with their own brokenness they're breaking everything else in sight, without even a good reason. It makes me sick but I know it grieves my God!I I pray that God will begin to speak to these people who are broken! It makes me sick but I know it grieves my God.
Let's get on our knees for real and pray for Gods forgiveness and mercy!
THe Dems won't stop at anything to gain power.
Anything goes in politics; even murder...TRUMP 2020