BREAKING Mitch McConnell introduces competing bill for $2K stimulus checks. Also repealing Section 230 and set up commission to study voter fraud.
— Jess 🇺🇸 (@jessiprincey) December 29, 2020
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Get this straight... Congress and the President are not GIVING THE PEOPLE A DIME... the people are writing themselves a check out of the US Treasury and will eventually need to repay it... This is not a gift... it isn't free money.
Dang... the Marxist and Communist have so brainwashed the country... even conservatives look at the $2000.00 dollars as free money and the $300 extra per week on top of their regular unemployment checks... Who will go back to work .. making less than they do on unemployment? They are praying their employer goes out of business so they buy a new bass boat with their free money and go fishing... on our Grand Childrens Dime.
This whole episode of Pandemic relief and the Pandemic itself is disgusting fraud... more Kabuki Theater for the mob... give them a circus and bread... Agustus Caesar. 1st AD
Trump is doing the right thing to support average Americans, and he will do the right thing to give people like me tax relief again. He will also keep his promise to balance the budget, and we are all aware that he is a successful business man who knows how to balance the books. Keep the faith and trust the man!
Why should people like me keep paying into the pot when others are just taking? It never ends: stimuls check, unemployment, salaries for a bloated government, generous public employee pensions (military, police, firefighters,....), social security, disability checks, and on and on and on. It disgusts me to think how many Americans take and take and take. Whatever happened to decency and self reliance?
Paul, I get a social Security check every month but I'm not "taking" anything. I paid into that political ponzi scheme for 50 years, mostly at the top level of confiscation. It is onlt "taking" when those who haven't paid anything in, like illegal alien invaders", get money out. Funny how politicians can always find money for welfare for illegal alien invaders and deadbeats who won't work but social security is going broke!!!!!
Exactly, Bob... social security and disability payments are not a gift... they are a contractual payment for insurance mandated by the Government... what is a crying shame is that the Government has added SSI and SSDI payments to cover those who would not normally qualify.. these are in fact welfare programs that are supported by those who work and pay into the Social Security System... they should be on a separate system drawing funds from welfare payments, not the Social Security Trust Fund. Illegal Aliens are drawing such payments.. it's a disgrace... no, its REDISTRIBUTION of income a Marxist program.
Ron, turning the ponzi scheme called socialist security into a welfare program was the plan from the start. the political ruling class has used it from the beginning to buy votes and steal much for themselves. funds were confiscated from my paychecks before I got them to ensure the thieves got theirs before I got mine. odd how socialist security is going broke but welfare isn't!!!!!
If SSI and SSDI were funded from the General Fund and not the Social Security Trust fund there would be sufficient funds to make Social Security solvent for the long term... it is the welfare payments to SSI and SSDI ... those otherwise UNQUALIFIED recipients of payments from the Social Security Trust Fund are bankrupting the system.
Ron, you are correct.
That's exactly my point. So many just take and take and take, while only a few of us pay taxes. And yes, you are right. I am not rich enough to bend the game in my favor like Trump can do, who pays less in taxes than I do but is a lot richer than I am. Does that make sense? - Believe me, I try everything possible not to pay too much in taxes and I have spent a bit of money on professional and legal advice to get that done, but I can't remember the last time I paid less than six figures in taxes, and then there are all the other taxes I pay like property and state taxes. I think it is wrong that so many take and take and take while only a few pay real money into the pot. In my lifetime only Republicans have given people like me tax relief, which is why I vote Republican all the way. I vote for my own benefit as it should be. The aggregate of our individual decisions make for good outcomes, which is also at the core of capitalism.
the political ruling class exempt themselves and their financiers like soros, bloomberg, deblasio, gates, zucker, zuckerberg, and others in their globalist cabal.