
  • Good riddance to some of the garbage in DC; now if we can just shovel out the rest of it - - - 

  • Who will replace him? A McCarthy kind of guy?

    • How about Pres. Trump... or Steve Bannon... or some other citizen of competence capable of negotiating the reforms needed with the Senate and Administration.

    • Both of these men are already dedicating their lives and their last bit of energy to make America great again. They can't give up what they are doing now. How could President Trump be speaker and run for the White House? 

    • How... the Speakers Job traditionally has been filled with a sitting member of the House... previous Speakers have done both.

      Leaders often take on huge responsibilities and tasks.. they often do so with great success as good leaders know how to delegate and multitask. 

      Trump can run a campaign and chew gum at the same time.  However, I doubt Pres. Trump will be nominated for the job if the position opens... the RINOs would have a stroke. 

    • You are right. President Trump is exactly the kind of great man you allude to in your comment. There is nothing he cannot do. There is nothing he won't do perfectly.  It would be a blessing for our Republic if he became Speaker and cleaned house in the House.

  • Don't bet on it... he is staying as Minority Leader for the remainder of this Congress... and likely until the next Congress is sworn ... This man is not to be trusted... He needs to GO NOW not 8-9 months from now... our nation may not survive 9 more months with turn-coats like Mitch at the helm.  He also plans to finish his current elected term in office... which ends in January 2027... much, much too long to be messing with the nation's sovereignty.

    He refuses to understand his brand of spineless compromise is more like permanent capitulation.  He may be suffering from the bends... one too many deep-state dives into the abyss. It's no wonder he looks like a Turtle. We would be better off if he switched parties than to permit him to remain in the Senate... to vote for every liberal and globalist proposition.

    • I figured he would still be around in some corrupt capacity!

    • What a shameful tragedy, that his mirror mentality would allow him to believe that he is more important than the nation he is supposed to serve. Funny how the hunger for power, (though WICKED), can be cloaked in benevolent trappings....A CHAMPION PSEUDO PATRIOT celebrating Halloween 365. .....Innocuous looking Jelly Jowled Old "Warlock".......

    • Janet...

      McConnell is pulling what he always does... lying bast... He remains Minority Leader for the remainder of this Congress... until January 2025...

      McConnell intends on staying in the US Senate until his term is up... in January 2027... If he lives that long.  This announcement is typical of McConnell and his penchant for dishonesty. 

      Many people will be surprised to find him serving as Minority leader after this announcement. However, he will be serving as minority leader until the new Congress is sworn in (Jan 2025)... maybe longer if he runs for office again... claiming he is needed to shepherd the MAGA program through the US Senate... yeah?  Really?

      In other words, McConnell is going nowhere... He is not resigning as minority leader... he is simply announcing he intends to step down in January 2025... If he doesn't change his mind or dies.

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