A prominent Republican super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is canceling nearly $10 million in advertisement spending in Arizona and Alaska.
The Senate Leadership Fund is cutting about $8 million in ads from the Arizona Senate race in which GOP candidate Blake Masters is hoping to unseat incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly. The ads were supposed to begin after Labor Day, but will now kick off in early October.
Republicans only need a net gain of one Senate seat to flip the upper chamber. In addition to Arizona, November's elections will feature some other crucial Senate races, including in Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
But Republicans are trailing in the polls to Democrats in some key battleground states, including Masters in Arizona.
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Arizona Patriots have a strong distaste for this swamp fossil and his ChiCom wife who is a big operative in the commiecrat party. Send Mitch to the showers.
mcconnell is just as corrupt as schumer, pelosi, and the rest of his corrupt allies!!!!! He doesn't want to see any true conservatives elected to spoil his set-up!!!!!!!!!!
He doesn't want the two Republicans running in Alaska and Arizona to win because they don't agree with him and he just doesn't want America to be a great country
Lorenzo, spot on!!!!!!!!!!
Well no, gitchy mitchy is simply afraid he will lose his "lead position" - - he's NOT the "brightest bulb" since he has already LOST it. He just doesn't reallize it yet, nor does he realize WE have connected all the $$$$ dots between him and his wifey's commie family pac.
He is in the swamp up to his neck, and afraid that if conservatives win he will be booted out, as he well should be
McConnel only supports people he thinks will be loyal to him. He is as bad as the de"mock"rats. Since he is married to a person of Chinese descent, it makes me wonder if he is being influenced by the CCP also.
Martha, correct, his father-in-law is big in the CCCP!!!!!!!!!!
Martha-That is the most obvious part; all his wifey's family are big $$ CCP connected, so they dictate his moves through the wife, who is more than willing to capsize the ship.
He also owns a chinese carrier so of course he is loyal to the chinese before our country