Traitor Mitch McConnell:
— Kitty UnShackled (AKA Boomhauer) 🍇 (@KBoomhauer) February 13, 2021
"There's no question that President Trump is practically & morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it ... The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes & instructions of their President."
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This old codger should have been gone a long time ago. I don't understand why people just keep some of them in when it's evident they're past their usefulness. He's such a hot and cold personality that you never know how his mind is working or what will come out of his mouth. You can't trust a person with unsteady ways of thinking. This is the main thing I can see wrong with the Republican party. It doesn't refreshen its people, but keeps the same old worn out crazy minded ones around that do more harm than good. Rid them out!
KY vote out this idiot from Congress.
McConnel go suck eggs
That traitor, turncoat, crook, liar and slime-ball of a politician should be tared and feathered then tied to the rear of a mule and draged through Washington, before going to prison with a bar of soap. Obviously he's another one that's been paid off by the Chinese
No McConnell facts have come out from numerous sources that it was YOU, Pelosi and Schumer who arranged, paid for and Created the mob INSURECTION, to create a "mess" inorder to Impach our President. All of you should be under investigation for this, YOU ARE ALL TRAITORS AND CAN NEVER REPRESENT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AGAIN!
Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina has to go too! Republican Senator John Thune from South Dakota has to go too because he still has his nose stuck up Mitch McConnell's azz!
ok, Patriots, the Republicans need to know who WE believe who has got to go in order to gain our support ,...Collins, Cassidy, Toomey, Saase, Murkowski, Romney, and of course Mitch. Please write your letters to the party as I have been doing. It is up to us to save this great and beautiful country for ALL. God Bless ALL PATRIOTS, GOD BLESS hell with Mark Cuban.
McConnell is the result of another fracture in our voting system. It's known as the (i) beside their name on your ballot. I've been an advocate for years for removing this notation on a ballot. Let them all be equal and let the best person win. This ballot notation clearly gives them an edge and perpetuates the long serving politicians. As a Tri-State original resident, I encourage all Kentuckians to dump McConnell.
Alright Mitchy, who is it that's handing you this bribe: another RINO, the dems, or the CCP?
Anybody want some snapper soup? Funny. That also seems to fit Nancy Lugosi! lol