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  • McConnell has turned against Trump and therefore against the country a while ago. Why on earth did the people of Kentucky vote him back in for another 6 years?

  • You mean, you're DONE! Many of you who betrayed President Trump has been judged by almighty God!!! I watched you and another Senator walking down the hallway with our wonderful President Trump when He first walked into the Capitol and seeing you~ Mitch Mc Connell running around Him with a fearful look on your face!!  Why don't you shut that blathering mouth of yours and if you're not a reprobate, get down on your knees to talk to God, and repent! It's not our wonderful President Trump's fault it's you and your kind who need to get out of Washington D.C!. Who set up the paid rioters? It came from the Left, and all the other satanic people with you who are DONE and Finished! To God goes the Glory!

  • Kentucky GOP... censure this ass and move to have him stricken from the GOP rolls... let him join the Democrat Party... .or better declare his Communist affiliations and file as a Communist Party member.

  • Bye bye loser

  • he needs to be in jail too. 

  • Didn't mcconnell ride back into office on President Trump's coatails?  That's some gratitude.  He has ties to china through his wife's family.  Yes vote him out of office or impeach him.

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