
  • McConnell KNOWS he's in trouble as the RINO he is and is trying everything he can think of  to do a CYA and get reelected. I don't trust a word out of his mouth. He's proven it too many times.

    • McConnell should have never been in Congress. He has been taking Money from China for decades. That's why he never supports anything against China


  • Why?  It isn't because of some moral outage over Hamas or Palestinians... It's their hate for God and His Word... Jesus Christ. The lost are at enmity with God... Why?

    The sinner doesn't want to be told what he can and cannot do.. it's that simple.  The unbeliever...  simply chooses to disobey God and resents being told he is on his way to Hell.

  • It's not "all of a sudden" that the Globalist Marxists are against Israel or the Jewish people, the Nazi's were Socialists.

    When a Sovereign, world recognized country, Israel, cannot defend its existence against a made-up country, Palestine which never existed, and would be created out of land given to the Jews by God, we must support God.

  • I think we need to hold another election to see if we can get Schumer out of the Senate.  He is a filty liberal who lies about everything.  He should be tired for treason and for disavowing his oath of office. I can't wait until Trump puts his commie in his place.

    • We need the several States to call an Article 5 Conventon ... to pass and ratify the following Amendments.

      1.  A 'RECALL AMENDMENT'... recall all of the current government... elected and appointed subject to new elections.   Provide a provision in the recall amendment that permits a State to recall any of its federal representatives with a 2/3rds vote by its Legislature and with the approval of its governor. 

      2.  A 'TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT' ... One Term of 6 years, with 1/3rd of the Elected government standing for election and or appointment every 2 years... similar to the elections of US Senators. 

      3  An Amendment to repeal the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments... include a provision to define US Citizenship (include clarification of (Natural Born Citizen)  Include a provision to deny any citizenship for those who enter the US Illegally... without a Visa or certificate of Emergency Asylum.

      4. A 'Balanced Budget Amendment' requiring Congress to pass a budget that is revenue neutral... Or shut the government down.. no more borrowing to fund government or deficit budgets.  Provide an emergency exception for war and national emergencies.  Require 3/4ths of both Houses to approve funding of Naional emergencies.  Provide a provision requiring the national debt to be paid in full over the next 30 years and that 'earmarks' be voted on as a separate bill.  Require 'Supplements' to be paid for with offsetting expenditures.

      The States need to take control of the government reform process NOW... IMMIDIATELY.  The Union is under siege from within and Teason is rampant in its institutions. The Union and our Constitution are constructs of the States, it is pst time the States review and reform their provisions, using Article 5 and the Amendment Process... before the Republic self-destructs. 

    • Down to the last man, Colonel.

    • All Democrats along with the Rino's lies about everything


    • That would be wonderful to see

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