Final Jeopardy - With Joe Biden - Imgflip

As the corporate media continues to largely ignore the Biden family corruption scandal, The Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway is asking why foreign companies paid the Biden family in the first place.

“It’s the ultimate question of this entire thing,” Hemingway said. “The brother of the president-elect, the son of the president-elect, and maybe even some other family members were getting a lot of money and it’s not clear what they were getting the money for.”

“We do know from some of these documents that they were trading on their family name. They were pretty clear that what they had to offer was the family name, but it’s not just the name, it’s ‘What does this money get you?'” she continued.



While Hemingway noted that trading money for access is often legal, she also asked which American policy goals motivated the overseas companies to pay the Biden family and how they may have compromised U.S. policy.

“The bigger question is what were the policies that these Chinese companies or the wife of the Moscow Mayor or the Ukrainian companies, what were the policies of the U.S. that they were trying to influence? And how did giving money to Hunter and James Biden help them accomplish their policy goals? That’s something that’s very much worth looking into,” Hemingway said.

While Hemingway cautioned against rash investigations by the Justice Department, she acknowledged that Joe’s clear involvement in Hunter’s business dealings warrants attention.

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  • And what security information did Swalwell give his little "sleeping with the enemy Chinese spy girfriend'?

  • Btw, the court cowards don't have the final word. Mike Pence as President of the Senate gets to accept or reject (illegal) Electoral College electors on January 6th.

  • I agree (mostly) with Mollie Hemingway. I disagree with anyone calling Joe Biden President-Elect. Noone gets that recognition until the Electoral College votes are tallied on January 6th. That's the official date ... denoting Biden as President-Elect now trivializes the January 6th action ... Biden is not in charge of declaring any election title. That's his arrogance ... declaring the vote tabulation as a fait accompli now.

    • The Term President-Elect is all about conditioning the public, it is about constructing a narrative that psychologically prepares the people to accept Biden as President and if he is challenged and rejected on January 6th it will be the basis to call for violence and riots ... as the left continues with the narrative by screaming foul and demanding Biden be sworn in as President. 

      This election cycle has been one big propaganda exercise... to create a false narrative to steal the election.  The Marxist knew that Trump would walk away with a second term so they created the PANDEMIC and then rigged the election... producing a cover story ... a narrative to sell it all to the gullible and foolish. 

      America must now turn this coup d'état around... and then go after the individuals in government and the Midea who promoted this entire FIASCO... false narrative.

    • isn't that the truth


  • Imagine how the mainstream media would be all over it if Trump had any foreign interests anywhere. They'd skewer him and ask the same questions real American patriots ask about Boden today. 

    • isn't that the truth?

  • he need to be in jail period.

  • To the blinded democrats, it does not mean anything. However, the public knows that the corruption is rampant in Biden's family. The Chinese know that Biden can bought for “a fist full of dollars”. They are counting that Biden would lower the guard around the world, and he help them  conquer the world financially. Then, they can run the world with an iron fist militarly. They want to dominate the world. The only problem is that history does not favor them in that respect. Several hundred years ago, they tried that, but they never were able to take over the world. Now, they think they can do it. The world can't be controlled just by one nation or several. The other problem is the Asian mind,  it’s not prepare to take this challenge. They are use to be in a follower society and stealing technology from other countries. Lies and other system of moral degradation as the communist party dictates, it would not be helpful in their conquering ideas. People know what they are up to, and we do not thrust the Chinese  government at all.

  • We'll never know

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