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~ Featuring ~ 
Debating the Debate Changes
Michael Swartz   
Trump Says He Will Donate Own Blood Plasma, 
Is No Longer on Medication for COVID-19
{ } ~ President Donald Trump said that he has stopped taking medication for the CCP virus and will donate his own blood plasma if needed...The president made the remarks in an interview with Fox News aired late Friday, marking his first on-camera appearance since being diagnosed with COVID-19. “Right now I’m medication free,” the president told Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel. “I’m not taking any medications as of, you know, probably 8 hours ago. Which frankly makes me feel good, I don’t like medication.” When asked whether he would donate his own plasma, Trump said, “Well I will, nobody’s asked me that question, actually, but I will, if they want me to do it, I’d love to do it.” He added that he has been retested for COVID-19 and has not found out the results, but said that he knows he is “at either the bottom of the scale or free” from the disease. The president said that he was feeling “really good” and “very strong,” and was quick to point out the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, saying “it came from China.” When asked about lessons learned from contracting COVID-19 and how it could be applied to others who get the disease, Trump responded that “the biggest thing” is that he tackled the illness early. “Now, I have such great access to medical, we have White House doctors … and so many great doctors,” Trump noted. “It’s a lot easier for me than somebody that doesn’t have access to a doctor so easily where it’s a big deal to see a doctor. “But I think very important for me was very early, as soon as I felt something … the big secret for me was I got there very early. I think it would have gotten a lot worse. One of the doctors said he thought it would have gotten a lot worse. “I just think that even these medications, they’re a lot better if you get them early than if you get them late,” Trump said... 
'Insufficient': scumbag/liar-Pelosi rejects latest White House aid offer
by Susan Ferrechio
{ } ~ It’s looking far less likely that Congress will pass a new coronavirus aid package in 2020...House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi again rejected a White House compromise offer on a coronavirus aid package, telling fellow Democrats in a letter Saturday that “the Trump proposal is insufficient.” President Trump on Friday signed off on a $1.8 trillion proposal that White House negotiators hoped would facilitate a deal with Democrats, who control the House. While the offer proves $200 billion more than a previous package offered by the Trump administration, it’s far short of the $2.4 trillion scumbag/liar-Pelosi had been asking for in private talks with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It’s also far less than the $2.2 trillion measure that House Democrats passed earlier in September. scumbag/liar-Pelosi wrote to Democrats on Saturday that the latest White House offer falls short by $200 billion in federal unemployment insurance. Democrats want the federal government to continue with $600 in weekly supplemental jobless benefits, which the GOP said is too high and discourages people from returning to work. scumbag/liar-Pelosi said the latest offer also lacks sufficient funding for day care, earned income tax credits, and child tax credits. “Despite these unaddressed concerns, I remain hopeful that yesterday’s developments will move us closer to an agreement on a relief package that addresses the health and economic crisis facing America’s families,” she said.
The national press just ignores major mail-in-voting disasters
By Jonathan S. Tobin
{ } ~ The New York City Board of Elections was recently forced to ­explain two huge mistakes. In one, 100,000 Brooklyn residents who had requested absentee ballots received ones with incorrect names and addresses...In another, many voters got ballots marked “Absentee Military,” though they didn’t serve in the armed forces. Does it matter? You bet. Any ballot sent in with the wrong address or name — rather than a corrected one that we’re told voters will eventually receive — won’t be counted. Ballots wrongly marked “military” will be counted, but many citizens won’t use them. This means a lot of New Yorkers could be ­effectively disenfranchised. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio are blaming the blunder on an incompetent Board of Elections, and the board is, in turn, blaming an outside vendor. But as Hizzoner admitted, these slip-ups are standard procedure for the people who run our elections. Incompetence is sadly not the exception. That’s why the chattering classes shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the concerns voiced by President Trump about a national election in which as many as half of the votes cast might be mailed in. In the New York primary held in June, we got a taste of what happens when mailed-in ballots ­replace the in-person ballot box without adequate official preparation. Turnout was down this year — 23 percent, compared to 33 percent in 2016 — but the process was still a disaster. With 37 percent of the city’s votes sent in by mail, a staggering 84,000 ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or not being signed by the voter. That’s one-fifth of all mailed-in ballots. The count was also a nightmare, with some close races not being certified until more than two months after primary day. The Board of Elections says it will do better in November. But their more recent stumbles in mailing out ballots undermine their iron assurances. These problems aren’t limited to the klutzes running things in New York. Nationwide, in primaries held in 2020, more than 550,000 mailed-in ballots were disqualified...
Intelligence Chief Briefed Congress on Foreign Influence Threats
by ~ A recently released report shows that the chief of the US intelligence community briefed legislators on foreign threats to our government last month – and it seems the problem is a lot worse than everyone had assumed...Foreign governments are systematically targeting members of Congress with influence operations, and the worst culprit is China. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, the head of all 17 US intelligence agencies, spoke to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees to bring them up to date on the foreign influence threat to the US government. According to Ratcliffe this threat is much larger than previously thought, with “dozens” of lawmakers being targeted by hostile governments. Ratcliffe warned the committees that the main culprits for influence operations are China, Russia and Iran – not a revelation that should have surprised anyone. He said that a large number of legislators, possibly as many as 50, have been the targets of influence attempts. While Russia used to be the most active at trying to influence US politicians Ratcliffe says that title now goes to China, which is running around six times as many operations as Russia and twelve times as many as Iran. The US has only had diplomatic relations with Beijing’s communist regime since 1979, and in that time the repressive dictatorship has rapidly expanded its propaganda and subversion activities on Capitol Hill. Last month the House’s China Task Force, led by Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) warned that the Chinese Communist Party is the largest threat facing the US. Ratcliffe’s briefing drove that point home to the Intelligence Committees. While Ratcliffe didn’t give details on which party was being targeted most heavily it’s well known that Beijing wants scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden to win next month’s election, as the regime fears the hard line being taken by President Trump. Some sources dispute Ratcliffe’s warning, saying that the DNI is confusing influence operations with “foreign government lobbying.” Others say Ratcliffe is right, and that lobbying is a covert influence operation. Members of Congress are elected to act in the interests of the American people, not foreign governments. Whichever is the case, lawmakers are looking for specifics, and as of now, they aren’t getting them. Some Democrats – including House Intelligence Committee Chairman scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff (D-CA) – have played down the threat of Chinese subversion of legislators, claiming the administration is focusing on China to divert attention from Russian influence. It seems that, despite Beijing’s increasingly aggressive behavior, the Dems just can’t let go of their failed Russia collusion scandal. 
Why is Speaker scumbag/liar-Pelosi running scared? Her 25th Amendment legislation tells it all.
By Sara Carter
{ } ~ Does House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi have a crystal ball? What does she know that we don’t know. Nothing...scumbag/liar-Pelosi is just terrified. She’s running scared that President Donald Trump is going to win again. She realizes, like the others who’ve been attempting to oust Trump from office that they have little recourse against the American people who will vote for him. She is using the 25th Amendment. This isn’t the first time. Remember when former FBI General Counsel James Baker revealed to Congress during hearings that former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, along with others, had discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office based on complete and utter lies. Still, nobody has ever been held accountable for anything that has been done over the past five years to this administration, along with its presidential campaign in 2016. So these swamp creatures are now emboldened. Where is Justice Department Attorney General William Barr? Where are the big indictments we were expecting with appointed Connecticut Attorney John Durham? Why are all the criminals who have committed the worst criminal acts against the Constitution, the American people and a sitting U.S. president still on the loose? scumbag/liar-scumbag/liar-Pelosi told the world Friday that she plans to introduce legislation to create a “Commission on Presidential Capacity.” A commission on presidential capacity is another word for a set-up and a presidential soft coup that would occur right before our very eyes without any bloodshed. Remember the 25th Amendment provides for procedures for transferring power to the vice president in case of the president’s death, incapacitation, removal or resignation. So why does scumbag/liar-Pelosi need legislation attempting to add more lies so she can twist the words of our Constitution to remove a U.S. president? scumbag/liar-Pelosi is a liar who is already planning Coup 3.0. First was the Russia Hoax, second was impeachment and now a plan to remove President Trump from office should he be elected after Nov. 3...
  50,000 Ohio voters got the wrong absentee ballots
By Sara Carter
{ } ~ President Donald Trump has warned about election fraud for months and the problems plagued with universal mail-in-voting...We are seeing those concerns come to fruition, when Franklin County, Ohio’s election board announced that 50,000 voters received an incorrect absentee ballot this week. Those ballots account for almost 21% of the ballots mailed out this week in Franklin County, The President immediately tweeted on Friday, after his much anticipated radio rally with conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, “Breaking News: 50,000 Ohio Voters getting wrong absentee ballots. Out of control. A rigged election!!!” The information was issued in a press release from the election board. With only 25 days left until the election, the election board had to rush to start processing and printing ballot replacements to all individual voters who received the wrong ballots. The officials noted that the ballots will be sent through the U.S. Postal Service within 72 hours to the voters.“We want to make it clear that every voter who received an inaccurate ballot will receive a corrected ballot,” stated the election board said. They noted that “stringent tracking measures are in place to guarantee that a voter can only cast one vote.”  
Debating the Debate Changes
Michael Swartz   On Wednesday night, the vice-presidential debate went on as scheduled. Given Vice President Mike Pence’s success in taking down lowlife-Kamala Harris, and considering the disaster that was the first presidential debate, it’s no wonder that changes are afoot.

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is promising to instill “additional structure” via rule changes, such as moderator control of candidates’ microphones, even as the scheduled date for the second debate crept up on the calendar — a debate, it was revealed, being moderated by a former intern for then-Senator scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden.

However, thanks to President Donald Trump’s (apparently successful) battle with the China virus, that town-hall-style debate suddenly morphed into a “virtual” event, a CPD-announced change that prompted President Trump to declare that he’s taking a pass. “The commission changed the debate style and that’s not acceptable to us,” said the president. “I’m not going to do a virtual debate. I’m not going to waste my time.” Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, added the obvious: “A virtual debate is a non-starter and would clearly be a gift to Biden because he would be relying on his teleprompter  from his basement bunker.”

There would also be the lag time inherent in such a setup, making the type of back-and-forth where we learn the most about candidates nearly impossible to follow. scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s campaign is well known for the technical trainwrecks that seem to plague its virtual town halls, making the chances of a watchable debate slim at best.

Instead, the Trump campaign sought a one-week delay in both the second and third debates, pushing the final meeting to October 29, just five days before the election. That delay may not even be necessary, for the president’s personal physician, Dr. Sean Conley, announced Trump can resume in-person events as soon as tomorrow.

The scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden camp threw cold water on that delay proposal, though. “We set the dates. I’m sticking with the dates. I’m showing up. I’ll be there,” said scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden at a rare campaign stop. “And in fact, if he shows up, fine. If he doesn’t, fine.” Instead, if scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe doesn’t put one of his all-too-frequent “lids” on that day, scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s campaign scheduled a solo town hall with ABC News in Philadelphia for October 15, with the friendly moderation of former Clintonista George Stephanopoulos.

With the CPD seemingly set on a virtual event despite the president’s improving health, a widening circle of observers are making the case that the current regimen of presidential debates has outlived its usefulness. “Televised presidential debates are an artifact of the television age,” writes journalist Bruce Thornton. “As a creation of an entertainment medium, the debates have never been about informed questions, answers, and rebuttals over policies or governing philosophies. They are political ads and gotcha tournaments, with the audience keeping score over who makes a gaffe, misspeaks, blatantly lies, avoids the question, or personally attacks his opponent. Like professional wrestling, each contestant has his or her fan base whose minds will not be changed, and whose estimation of points scored will be mostly subjective.”

The romantic idea of a presidential debate stems back to the Abraham Lincoln-Stephen Douglas series of debates  held in 1858, when Lincoln was running to oust Douglas from his Senate seat in Illinois. These three-hour affairs were grueling, as the participant opening the debate had 60 minutes to speak before the opponent delivered his 90-minute rebuttal, leaving 30 minutes for the initial speaker to rebut and close his argument. Given Trump’s weakened physical state and scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s deteriorating mental state, it’s unlikely either of those prizefighters could finish such a bout today. Such a debate would also take the media prize of being moderator out of the picture, which would likely in this day and age be an instant boost for the Republican candidates who routinely face a tag team between the Democrat candidate and the CPD-selected moderator.

There are other criticisms with the CPD as well, particularly its exclusion of other candidates on the ballot. In this election, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen is on the ballot in all 50 states and the Green Party’s Howie Hawkins is on all but a handful. Yet no minor-party candidate has crashed the debate stage since Ross Perot put the Reform Party on the map briefly in the 1990s. That devotion to the duopoly becomes more understandable when we’re reminded that the CPD was created by the GOP and Democrats back in 1987 for the purpose of putting on these spectacles every four years, and it’s not in their interest to allow others to take the stage regardless of the merit of their ideas.

Here in 2020, we live at a time where, like it or not, practically everyone who’s voting has already made up his or her mind. It’s either carry on the many successes of Donald Trump or vote for scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden because “Orange Man Bad.” The only winners of the debate are the spinmeisters and talkingheads who get to have their say for days afterward. The voters are the ones who lose.   ~The Patriot Post

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