Monday Executive News Summary
FDA lifts Johnson & Johnson vaccine pause that never should have happened (Fox News)
New CDC guidance recommends pregnant people women get the COVID vaccine (CBS News)
India hits new COVID record with 352,991 infections (Fox News)
Malaria vaccine has striking early success after decades of disappointment (Science)
State Department social justice warriors allow embassies to fly pride flag on same pole as U.S. flag (Fox News)
DHS stops fines for illegal immigrants who fail to leave the U.S., cancels their debt (Daily Caller)
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden declares slaughter of Armenians a genocide, posing test for U.S. ties with Turkey (NPR)
Military begins final withdrawal from Afghanistan (NY Times) | Exit creates new hurdles for counterterrorism operations (Washington Times)
Hollywood elite turn Oscars into far-left hate speech targeting cops — and it doesn’t stop there (Fox News)
Portland’s incompetent Democrat mayor now begs public to help “unmask” members of “self-described anarchist mob” (Fox News)
Reckless scumbag-Gavin Newsom to phase out fracking in 2024, end oil extraction in California by 2045 (Breitbart)
Indiana declares houses of worship essential services (Disrn)
Montana passes law that prohibits federal gun restrictions (Disrn)
“Recruiting crisis”: Cops are retiring in droves (Blaze Media) | NYPD experiences 75% spike in departures and retirements (Washington Examiner)
The worst examples of critical race theory in schools (Washington Examiner)
Policy: socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s business tax hikes would be a self-inflicted mistake for America (Daily Signal)
Policy: Why wind and solar energy are doomed to failure (Power Line)
Satire: hanoi-John Kerry gets China to agree to carbon-neutral invasion of Taiwan (White House Dossier)