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~ Featuring ~ 
scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris
Will Raise Taxes on 95% of American Households
scumbag/liar-Pelosi Gives Trump 48 Hours To Accept Stimulus Deal
by Carmine Sabia
{ } ~ There is a game of tug of war being played in the back rooms of Washington, D.C. and the people in the middle, American citizens, are getting squeezed...House Speaker and Democrat California Rep. scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump are fighting over the next stimulus bill and now scumbag/liar-Pelosi has set a deadline, The Daily Mail reported. scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi gave the White House a 48-hour deadline to resolve the contentious COVID-19 relief negotiations, which have become increasingly rooted in partisanship. Discussions over federal aid have pulled Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill into an ongoing, back-and-forth battle over the next deal’s provisions. But on Saturday evening, the House scumbag/liar-Speaker’s office revealed that scumbag/liar-Pelosi had an hour-long conversation with Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin via phone call. It’s unclear what stands to happen if the deadline, set for Monday, is not met. “The scumbag/liar-Speaker and Secretary Mnuchin spoke at 7:40 p.m. by phone tonight for just over an hour,” he Deputy Chief of Staff Drew Hammill said on Twitter. “While there was some encouraging news on testing, there remains work to do to ensure there is a comprehensive testing plan that includes contact tracing and additional measures to address the virus’ disproportionate impact on communities of color. “There remains an array of additional differences as we go provision by provision that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner in the next 48 hours. Decisions must be made by the White House in order to demonstrate that the Administration is serious about reaching a bipartisan agreement that provides for Americans with the greatest needs during the pandemic,” he said. House Majority Leader and Republican Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell announced on Twitter on Saturday that the Senate will vote on some relief packages for American families. “I just announced the Senate will vote next week on hundreds of billions more dollars for relief programs that Democrats do not even oppose. Working families have already waited too long for Speaker scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s Marie Antoinette act to stop. Let’s make law,” he said. Republicans, including Sen. McConnell and President Trump have accused the scumbag/liar-Speaker of playing political games with the stimulus. Friday was the one year anniversary of the last time the scumbag/liar-Speaker and the President talked person to person and scumbag/liar-Pelosi said that they do not have to speak to each other to get the stimulus done. “Let me say, without the two of us speaking person-to-person, but, either through the airwaves or through the President’s intermediaries, we were able, in that period of time, to pass a huge omnibus bill to keep government open, working with Secretary Mnuchin then,” she said to Nicole Wallace on MSNBC, Fox News reported. “So it isn’t as if it has to be person-to-person between the scumbag/liar-Speaker and the President,” the scumbag/liar-Speaker said. “It has to be knowledge for knowledge in terms of what we – what our purpose is, what we know about the challenge we face and what the possible solutions are.” “The last thing it is about is whether the President speaks truth in any meeting in the White House worthy of attending,” she said to Wallace.
Caught Red Handed – Next Debate Rigged For scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden
by Carmine Sabia
{ } ~ President Donald Trump has said that the deck has been stacked against him in every debate this year and it appears that trend is going to continue...In the first debate it appeared to many that the president had to debate both former Vice President scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden, the Democrat nominee for president, and moderator and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. Then the moderator for the second scheduled debate, which was cancelled, Steve Scully reached out on Twitter to Trump enemy Anthony Scaramucci for advice. And now The New York Post says the third moderator, Kristen Welker, has deep ties to the Democrat Party. Welker, 44, has been the White House correspondent at NBC News since 2011, after working as a news reporter in Rhode Island. But Trump supporters who took issue with hard questioning by previous moderators like Chris Wallace and Savannah Guthrie may find themselves pining for those combative hosts after Welker is done with the president. Welker comes from an established Democratic family — who have poured cash into party coffers, and to Trump opponents, for years. Her mother, Julie Welker, a prominent real estate broker in Philadelphia, and father, Harvey Welker, a consulting engineer, have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and close to $20,000 to Barack scumbag/liar-nObama alone. But that is not all. They also donated $3,300 to the campaign of scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden, the man who will be standing on stage with Welker and President Trump at the debate. They also donated $2,100 to scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and handed $7,300 to the Democratic National Committee between 2004 and 2020. Welker, who celebrated Christmas at The White House with the scumbag/liar-nObamas in 2012, does not have a party registration listed now, but was a registered Democrat in Washington, DC, in 2012 and in Rhode Island in 2004. “Anyone who’s ever dealt with Welker knows she’s an activist, not a reporter. The White House press team views her the same way they would commie-AOC or scumbag/liar-Pelosi if they walked in the office,” a top White House official said to The Post... 
Kennedy returns to Fox Business after seven-month hiatus
by Haley Victory Smith
{ } ~ Kennedy is returning to Fox Business. Host Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery will relaunch her show during the 8 p.m. hour on Monday, she announced...The show was put on hiatus at the start of the coronavirus pandemic along with Trish Regan Primetime. "Due to the demands of the evolving pandemic crisis coverage, we are deploying all resources from both shows for staffing needs during critical market hours," the network said in a March statement. "FOX Business will run long form programming in primetime for the foreseeable future." Kennedy tweeted on Thursday, "Listen up freedomaniacs, liberty lovers, politicos and misfits of every stripe: I’M BACK, B*****S!!!" While Kennedy will be returning to her spot, it appears that Trish Regan will not. The network parted ways with Regan entirely days after she said the coronavirus was "another attempt to impeach the president."
Bags of Stolen Mail That Include Numerous Ballots Found Discarded in Washington Town
{ } ~ Mail that was stolen, including numerous ballots, were found discarded in multiple bags by roadsides and ditches in Seattle, officials said...Brian Zinser, the postmaster of the Redmond Post Office, also said he warned the Sammamish Police Department that “unopened or incomplete ballots have been inappropriately placed in out-going mail bins,” according to a statement from the City of Sammamish. The inappropriately placed mail included about 30 Sammamish ballots and six Issaquah ballots, according to the local outlet MyNorthWest. All of the ballots were unopened and the motive is currently unclear. Officials on Friday sent out a warning to Sammamish residents, a city located just east of Seattle, about the mail theft, and are asking people to check and empty mailboxes often to avoid the theft, which is common going into the holiday season. “Please check and empty your mailboxes often; and please keep them locked,” the statement reads. “If you do not have a lock on your mailbox, please consider getting one through the post office.” United States Postal Service (USPS) officials, together with the police department, are currently working on returning the stolen mail and ballots to their rightful owners. Sammamish Police Chief Dan Pingrey told MyNorthWest that mail theft is not uncommon in the area, but does not believe himself the crime was politically motivated... 
Giuliani: Here's How I Verified the Data From Hunter's Hard Drive
by Beth Baumann
{ } ~ Ever since the New York Post released their bombshell story about Hunter Biden's computer – with damning information about his ties to the corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma – being abandoned at a computer store...questions have arisen about the timeframe surrounding the hard drive's discovery. Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, decided to set the record straight about how he obtained a copy of the data. "First of all, I think the premise of what Twitter took it down was that the hard drive was hacked. Well, they're dead wrong. It wasn't hacked so that's a lie," Giuliani told the Daily Caller. "They said it without knowing which means they pulled a lie out of the air." According to the former New York City mayor, this is part of a "conspiracy theory" that scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden is running with. Giuliani stated scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden wrote a letter to news outlets asking them to keep Giuliani off the air. "The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn't fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive," Giuliani explained. "Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn't get any answer, any response, didn't get paid." "For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I've now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he's high on crack every other day for the last five or six years." The left has taken issue with the timeline of this surfaced hard drive because it was dropped off a year ago. According to Giuliani, the computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data. "We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond," the president's personal attorney explained. Giuliani's attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn't picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession. The information, however, wasn't validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter's computer. "A confidential informant told me about a meeting Hunter had at the State Department. He gave me a specific date. The informant told me he remembered it because Hunter Biden was taken in the back door so it wouldn't be registered," the president's personal attorney explained. "He went to see Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Well, that's not registered anywhere except from this confidential informant telling me and another investigator this. And that date squared exactly with the date in the hard drive and in the text messages." Giuliani stated there are at least three other instances just like that, two of which he doesn't want to reveal at this time. Based on what's known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for...
France: Death to Free Speech
by Guy Millière
{ } ~ Paris, October 16. A history teacher who had shown his students cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and had spoken with them about freedom of speech was beheaded in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a small town in the suburbs of Paris...The murderer, who tried to attack the police attempting to arrest him, was shot and killed while shouting "Allahu Akbar". According to the public prosecutor, he was a family member of one of the students. The facts are still unfolding....A few weeks before that, on September 25, Zaheer Hassan Mehmood, a 25-year-old Pakistani man, attacked and seriously injured two people with a cleaver. When he tried to escape, he was arrested by police. He had entered France illegally in 2018, had appeared before a judge to ask for asylum and to benefit from the status of an "isolated minor". The information he gave the judge was false: he had said he was 18 years old. The judge accepted his request and refused any method of determining his real age. Since then, Mehmood has been financially supported by the French government. It gave him housing, training and a monthly allowance. Just before the attack, Mehmood posted a video on a social network in which he tried to justify his act. He wanted, he said, to kill people working for the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo because it had republished the cartoons that had triggered the murderous attack on the magazine in January 2015. He wanted, he said, to avenge the offense done to the Prophet Muhammad. He stated his allegiance to Ilyas Qadri, founder of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sufi movement that claims to condemn violence, even though its members have nevertheless murdered people they accused of blasphemy. In September, Mehmood had gone to the magazine's old address. The people he injured were not working for Charlie Hebdo, which had long since moved, but for a documentary production company. They are now disfigured for the rest of their lives. The attack sadly shows that criticizing Islam is still an extremely dangerous activity. Anyone even suspected of doing it can be injured or killed, anytime, anywhere. It also shows that one can decide to attack or become a murderer even if one does not belong to an organization defined as jihadist, or shown no signs of radicalization. The attack once again confirms the existence of what Daniel Pipes has called "sudden jihad syndrome". The attack shows that, in addition, France, like other Western countries, is abysmally lax in guiding those who are arriving on its soil and asking for its help. A man can lie about his age and identity without their being detected and without tighter controls. The attack shows that declaring oneself an "isolated minor" in France can be sufficient not to be observed at all and still receive full assistance from the government. The attack also suggests a disappointing grade for gratitude. Logic would require that a defense of freedom of expression be immediately and unanimously affirmed; that the government call for vigilance in the face of extremist danger, which seems to be persistent, and that more stringent controls on those who apply for asylum be set up. None of those improvements has taken place...  
scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris Will
Raise Taxes on 95% of American Households
THOMAS GALLATIN    It’s no secret that, should scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden win the election, he has promised — Senator lowlife-Kamala Harris’s equivocations aside — to repeal the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed by congressional Republicans without a single Democrat vote and signed by President Donald Trump. scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden thus plans to increase taxes on almost all American households. The question is just how much more in taxes Americans can expect to pay under the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris tax plan.

Well, thanks to the work of the folks over at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business — who are no Trump fans, by the way — a clearer picture has emerged and it’s not one any Americans should desire. Under the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris plan, American households making $45,600 or more annually hold a greater than 90% chance of paying more income taxes. In fact, as economist Joseph Sullivan notes, “In the exact middle of the household income distribution, over 95 percent of households can expect a tax increase if the scumbag srumbling lips liar-Biden.lowlife-Harris plan becomes law. Overall, 82.6 percent of American households can expect a tax increase.”

The great deception here is how Democrats and the Leftmedia on the one hand falsely and repeatedly smeared Trump’s tax cuts as merely a tax break for the wealthy and corporations (when in reality over 80% of Americans saw their taxes decrease), while on the other hand the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden campaign is making the patently false assertion that repealing those tax cuts and implementing his tax plan equates to a broad middle-class tax cut. When Democrats talk about tax cuts, it’s almost a guarantee they’re lying.   

~The Patriot Post

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