Yesterday saw the opening curtain on the latest Washington production of 'fool the People'...  It began with an ill-fated tap dance and a series of failed tunes, sung by Rod Rosenstein.  Bolstered by a poorly conceived litany of softball questions, led by a chorus of Republicans, Mr. Rosenstein did a tap dance to the lyrics of 'I don't know', ' I don't recall' and 'It wasn't my job'... with Senator, life-time RINO, Lindsay Graham, directing, and Mr. Rosenstein performing. This carefully choreographed production of the Washington two-step not only lacked originality it failed to make the B list for Washington sequels.

America doesn't need more investigations... all the questions Sen. Graham wants to be asked are in the public record. What America is witnessing is ACT 3 in the latest sequel to the production of 'Fool the People'. This is just more bad political theater, directed by RINO Graham, designed to obfuscate, confuse, delay, and ultimately, avoid fixing real accountability. What the Paying Public wants to see is a President, center stage,  who will enforce the law, no matter how many FBI Directors, Agents, AG's, US Attorneys, or Career Lawyers he needs to fire.

What America expects is for the President to enforce the rule of law...  The public wants the President to direct his full attention to draining the swamp before the swamp swallows him and the Republic. One doesn't negotiate with Domestic Terrorists or Communists.  One locks them up and throws away the key. History is replete with failed attempts at bipartisanship.  Marxist don't negotiate in good faith, and neither do their progressive dupes. Stop trying to negotiate with the left and their progressive dupes. History proves it can only end in failure.  Lock them up.

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