More proof

Now another poll watcher in Georgia is coming forward. This time, it’s a Democrat who’s being honest about the fraud he observed. “I watched them pull out a pile of what I observed to be absentee ballots and noticed two very distinct characteristics that these ballots had. One, I noticed that they all had a perfect black bubble and were all for Biden. I was able to observe the perfect bubble for a few minutes before they made me move away from the table. I heard them go through the stack and call out Biden’s name over 500 times in a row.” Trump criticized the recount in Georgia, saying it’s useless without a proper audit. What good is recounting all the fraudulent ballots? They need to audit them and match the voter’s signature. If these are really computer printed fake ballots, they must be disqualified.,%20Signs%20Affidavit%20Questioning%20Ballot%20Counts%20in%20Georgia%20(%23Juice)

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