53 per cent of Republicans said the nation seemed to be heading toward civil war in a new poll, with 39 per cent of Democrats agreeing with the statement

A new poll shows 44 percent of Americans believe the nation is headed toward another civil war – with a majority of Republicans believing it will happen.

The data comes in a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which also found support for the 'Great Replacement Theory' referenced by the shooter who opened fire in a Buffalo supermarket last month.

A total of 44 percent agree with the statement that the nation 'seems headed toward a civil war in the near future,' according to the poll. That includes 53 per cent of Republicans and 39 per cent of Democrats

The poll by the group and Tulchin Research came in late April, before the horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, where the assailant's digital postings were filled with conspiratorial and racist ramblings.

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