It appears more votes were cast in this election than QUALIFIED registered voters... and the MSM demands proof of voter fraud.  Roughly 155 million votes were cast for President.  There are approximately153.07 million registered voters in the United States, according to Erin Duffin, as published in Statista 2020. See link below.  Nearly 2 million votes cast than registered voters.  This sets a new standard for turnout... breaking every previous record. In fact, it is a miraculous turnout, over 100% turnout.

Something is rotten in Denmark and it isn't the cheese when more votes are cast than registered voters... Remember, there are millions of registered voters who are dead, have registered more than once, or are not qualified to vote due to being an alien or having felony convictions, that are carried on the voter registration rolls. Thus, inflating the totals with unqualified voters.  I could not find any other definitive totals for 2020 registered voters than those in the Statista link below. I wonder why?  Could there be huge problems with election and voter fraud?

No one seems to want to add up the total numbers of registered voters to compare to the total number of votes... it appears to be very problematic. The vote totals appear to be millions more than the total in registered voters for the USA.  Why is this not being reported?  See links below to the data I could find.

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  • Anyone find comments on the MSM about the over vote... more votes cast than registered voters?

    • Except for the Western Journal, no.

  • No one in the MSM is carrying this story.... I wonder why?

    • It could be that we all know fraud is embedded in the current election events.

      Legacy and Social media are too far into the pigsty to appear unstained.

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