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The ex-CIA chief who wrote the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials falsely claiming that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The Post before the 2020 election were Russian disinformation, misled his fellow signatories when he assured them that he would “clear the statement with the Publication Review Board at CIA” the following day.

In an October 18, 2020, email obtained by The Post, Michael Morell asks his fellow spooks, including former CIA Directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta and Mike Hayden, to sign the letter, explaining that he and former CIA agent Marc Polymeropoulos had “drafted the attached because we believe the Russians were involved in some way in the Hunter Biden email issue and because we think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this week’s debate and we want to give the VP a talking point to use in response.”

Morell asks the CIA alumni in the group to “highlight your Russia work” in their affiliations when they sign the letter and assures them that he will secure pre-publication clearance from the CIA “tomorrow.”

But the letter was published by Politico the following day, Oct. 19, 2020, leaving no time for the required pre-publication security review by the CIA, a lifelong obligation of all former agency employees, and a process that could take several months.

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  • Love that expression - - "It's payback time!"; that is a direct quote from fraudbama's ugly advisor, Jarrett.  Have been yearning for a chance to use it against the commie network that is poisoning our government and our Constitional Republic. Keep praying that opportunity is close at hand.

  • No one was misled or duped into signing the Hunter Biden letter... Does anyone believe that our leaders are so DUMB that they don't understand we are losing our Constitutional Republic to treason at the highest levels of government?  Betrayal is endemic and treason is at work in the Halls of Congress and the Oval Office.

    The people are being fed a diet rich in political Circus, Kabuki theatre, and Merry-go-round arcade propaganda... going round and round but never going anywhere.  Hurry, hurry step right up.  listen to the Wizards of Cacophony as they spin their tales; watch, as the White Elephant tramples its keepers.

    Get your ticket now as management can not guarantee a repeat performance.  Watch as the Dodo Bird disappears and the conservative vanishes at the sound of the Trumpet and the voice of an archangel.  

    Don't miss the saga of a lifetime... Hurry, hurry, the show is about to start.  Be the first to see the fat lady dance as the clowns hijack the show.

  • Oh so now he wants us to believe he is one of the "good guys"!  I think it is more of a case that this house of cards is coming down around him (and all the rest of the signers) and he is trying to protect himeself. 

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