If you want to understand the depths of the liberal media's condescending disdain for Americans voting for President Trump, it would have been instructive, if emetic, to watch the opening segment of today's Morning Joe. It was one, long, condescension to Trump voters.
It began with Jon Meacham (who spoke at the Democrat convention) claiming that, contrary to what Trump backers believe, Biden is actually "mainstream" and "centrist." This despite Biden himself bragging that the he'd be the most progressive president in American history. You calling Biden a liar, Jon?
Then, after Joe Scarborough solemnly proclaimed that the race is between "a good man [dramatic pause], and a bad man," he described the reasons that his friends and families give for supporting Trump, although they all stipulate that Trump is a terrible man. Scarborough literally laughed in derision in saying:
My favorite: Joe Biden is not all mentally there. [Laughs uproariously] I mean, have they seen Donald Trump over the last four years?
The most condescending of all, surprisingly and disappointingly, was Willie Geist. After Meacham suggested that Trump supporters are like those who wanted "the America of Bull Connor," and lamented that he couldn't understand how people could support Trump, Geist sought to explain. He portrayed Trump voters as sheep who have "been led" to believe things that aren't true.
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Yes indeed we know better... pictures don't lie and many of the Emails have corroborating facts to support them... everything from successful criminal prosecutions of primary associates mentioned in the Emails to the outside testimony of witnesses to criminal conduct, and a host of physical documents to back up the ever-expanding proof of criminal conduct.