i just started watching the movie "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I have seen it several times but not in a long time. Most of this has to be written after I have seen the entire movie again but what I remember is the basis, a simple man who is appointed senator by a corrupt governor and applauded by a host of corrupt career politicians. The premise of the movie is that a man they thought would be a dupe, easily manipulated, is appointed to fulfill the term of another man. Why the seat was vacant either isn't told or I missed it but Stewart, playing the role of Senator Jefferson Smith, pledges to do his best and to never dishonor the office.
This movie was made in1939, long before Donald Trump was born but Jefferson Smith epitomizes the honesty and integrity that Donald Trump brings to a very corrupt and self-seeking political ruling class. Jim Taylor is the george soros of the movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, the power broker that uses his wealth, power, and influence to control those in the senate in order to further his personal wealth, power, and control over the government. Claude Rains plays Senator Joe Paine, the mentor of Jefferson Smith. Sen. Paine has been corrupted by Taylor's money and influence and is pressured by Taylor to stop Sen. Smith from revealing the corruption he has discovered in Taylor's plan to build a dam on the land Smith wants to use for a boys camp.
As a result of Sen. Smith attempting to reveal the corruption Taylor pressures Paine to take drastic measures to discredit Smith. As a result Sen. Paine accuses Smith of secretly buying the land to sell to the government for his own financial gain, 200 acres at a profit of $475 per acre, a total of $95,000. That is a great deal of money in those days, equal to several million in today's money Paine even uses forged documents to persecute Smith. This is oddly similar to the attempts to impeach President Trump using the "Steele Dossier" as "evidence" against Trump. The dossier was a fake, paid for by the hitlery clinton campaign, to try to remove Trump from office.
In the movie Jim Taylor, played by Edward Arnold, is a media magnate who uses media outlets he owns to mount a furious campaign to discredit Smith, just as the Pravda/Goebbels/Aljazeera fake news propagandists have lied against President Trump. Is the airing of this movie at this time coincidence or is it an act of God to shed light on the corruption so prevalent in the federal government today? I submit that Almighty God is using President Trump to shed the light of Truth to We the People and to expose the eviland corruption that infests the government these days.
The corruption among the political ruling class, the deep state bureaucracy, and the fake news propagandists is absolutely a threat to democracy of America.
There is a satanic cabal, infesting both political parties, that is dedicated to destroying the greatest nation ever established on planet Earth. Like President Trump, and President Reagan before him, Sen. Smith addresses the people directly and the people rally behind him as We the People of today are rallying behind President Trump. In the end Jefferson Smith shames Sen. Paine into telling the truth and Smith is vindicated. Sen. Paine finally threw off the corruption and admits that Jefferson Smith is telling the truth.
The political establishment in the movie represents biden, pelosi, schumer, mcconnell, thune, cornyn, murkowski, collins, cheney, and others like them that infest both political parties. President Trump, after winning in 2016, filled his cabinet with swamp rats, not realizing that their goal was to thwart his attempt to reform corruption out of the government. This time President Trump has selected outsiders to fill his cabinet posts, people loyal to the Constitution and President Trump's plan. Devildemcommiecrats, establishment republicans, and the Pravda/Goebbels/Aljazeera fake news propagandists rail that Trump's nominees "aren't qualified" to hold those positions but the only thing that "disqualifies" them is the fact that they love America and aren't deep state TRAITORS.
The similarities between Jefferson Smith and Donald Trump are uncanny, both are honest, decent men who come against political corruption and greed, and are persecuted for standing for what is right. At the end of the movie Sen. Paine comes clean and exonerates Jefferson Smith but Donald Trump has yet to see that vindication. He faces more persecution by the satanic globalists as he is close to beginning his second term but I believe that in the end God with give him the vindication he deserves and hopefully we will see someone among the satanists repent and make things right but this isn't a movie of make believe characters, this is real life and satan has his clutches in a lot of people. I hope and pray that one or more will be drawn out of the darkness into the light and do what is right. Many of Trump's opponents and critics in the media and corporate world have gone to meet with Trump to "kiss the ring" as some have put it, but are they merely paying lip service hoping to trick him? I pray that he isn't fooled by deceitful people who pretend to repent but are really just trying to curry favor so they can stab him in the back as they have done before.
I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
December 28, 2024
I belive Trump will be vindicated also and that all of this has been His shaking, quaking and waking of the people-- all necessary to right the ship and maintain the course that He has for each of us and for thee republic and for the future of the nations.