
  • UNHCR: Guide to international refugee protection and building state asylum systems
    Handbook for Parliamentarians N° 27, 2017

    Section 11
    The concept of first country of asylum and International standards Application in law and practice:

    1. Authorities responsible for taking decisions must apply the concept of first country of asylum and use the criteria set out in Article 27 (1) when applying the concept of first country of asylum to those seeking it. 

    2. Criteria for designating a country as a first country of asylum: The first country of entry that provides the notion of ‘sufficient protection’. Note: This should not be confused with an asylum seekers desired destination country. 
    Technically: Via ground there are only 2 countries whose citizens are eligible to seek asylum of the United States -  Canada and Mexico.
  • You would change your tune damn fast if one of the illegal aliens harmed you or your family. You all sit in your ivory towers and we the people have to deal with these criminals.

  • Illegal - Something done against established and enforced Law.

    Asylum - Something provided Legally to those who seek it and Legally meet its requirements!

    The key word is Legal.

  • Sounds tk me like a liberal changing the meaning of words again.  Let's use a little bit of logic here - no way on earth if the people are illegal can it be legal to offer santuary.  I won't say asylum, because asylum has to be requested by the alien and granted by the country they are entering.  These people have not, at this point, been granted asylum.

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