
  • Gay may have resigned as president of that institution, but she is still on the faculty payroll and still collecting her fat six-figure salary of $900K. Anyone with a student, or family member enrolled there should be publicly campaigning to have her fired and expelled from the campus!!

    • Agreed. The move just proved how phony Harvard is.

  • Some parents work hard to save the money to send their kids to college and those parents who can't afford it watch their kids take out (unforgivable) gov. student loans ! So if these so called higher learning institutions can't fleece the parents they indenture their children,while they are laughing all the way to their marxist bank !       "GIVE ME YOUR CHILDREN FOR ONE GENERATION AND I WILL HAVE YOUR CONTRY" !  In this video is a perfect example !

    • Agreed.

  • Gay is a discredit to the human race. She condones the genocide and hatred of Jews with a so called demonic “educational answer”.  She has demonstrated that educated fools do exist at Harvard and all the major institutions. Hard to believe these institutions were once religious.

    • Agreed

    • The sad thing is they exist all over the country while they think of themselves as the elitists with all of their ignorant arrogance.

  • ROFLMAO.....just MSNBC proving themselves to be the morons we know.

  • I'm surprised it took 24 hours for this predictable reaction. 😑 

    • If this continues right to the predictable conflagration,  in 200 years cultural anthropologists will be astounded that despite mass death man still continues on the same path


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